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Heavy, suffocating Jedi robes scratched at her pale arms and cheeks, young Lyra had almost forgotten how rough the fabric really was. The hot and humid jungle planet of Yavin 4 had no need of such a heavy garment and thus it had been several long years since she had found an occasion to wear it. Master Yoda had advised her to wear it whenever possible, or to at least keep her head and face concealed whenever in the presence of others.

Lyra wasn't vain, nor was she stupid. The young Jedi knew her Master's intention was to keep her now mature features hidden away from anyone who might judge or treat her differently for them. He wanted her to be acknowledged for her skill and effort, not for the way she appeared in front of their bare eyes. Jedi council or not, and Lyra appreciated him all the more for it.

"Jedi Knight Lyra Din-So, it is good to see you back alive and well. Master Yoda tells us of your hard work on Yavin" Master Windu addressed her first out of the circle of council members. His usually hard features softening just a tad as Lyra lifted her gaze up from the floor she had been occupied with examining. She too felt relieved to be back, to be back home. Ever since her departure ten years ago, the Jedi temple had remained in her thoughts. It's intricate towering statues, the comfort of the pale training rooms, and the endless shelves of the library she had practically lived amongst in her Padawan years. Every aspect had been dearly missed, perhaps most especially the presence of her Master and the other Jedi in the temple that had grown to be her family and friends.

"It's good to be back, Master Windu" Pale blue eyes met his brown pair confidently, her head bowing in respect and appreciation of his words. For as cold and pragmatical as Mace Windu liked to be, he had his heart in the right place. Lyra had always appreciated his brutal honesty and harsh training methods for all they were worth.

"Easy, your time away, has been not" Yoda spoke up seated on his circular seat beside Windu, smiling towards his apprentice with a slow nod of his own head.

She had only been appointed the rank of Jedi knight a year prior, with her act in saving a small town on Yavin and rescuing a species of endangered native wildlife that had threatened to overrun the town. It was still strange to hear the title coming from another persons mouth, still felt weird to hear it directed at her. She felt no more worthy of it than she had when receiving it, somehow even the assurance of Master Yoda on his visit to the planet to inform her of the decision of the council to grant her it, hadn't done much to settle her.

Time would do it's job she was sure.

"Every struggle and obstacle has been worth it, the planet is growing and free of separatist occupation" Even while she informed them of the news, the young Jedi was sure the council already knew of her accomplishments. She'd kept up a long and detailed log to be sent to the temple about her progress throughout the years, the last one being the one that had informed their decision to let her return home for good and deemed her mission successful.

"For now" Master Ki-Adi-Mundi hummed somewhere to her left, hidden by the corner of the hood over her head. Though the words on their own may be perceived as doubtful, he gave off no other indication of displeasure. Lyra had to agree, for as much as she had worked hard on her task, every success could be undone in time.

"Another assignment for you we have" Yoda began to explain, leaning forward in his seat as if to get a better look at his apprentice.

"So soon?" She'd barely landed on Coruscant two hours ago, been given time to freshen up and put away her small bag of belongings before the meeting had been called to order. For as surprised as she was, Lyra felt no disappointment at his words. She knew how thinly the Jedi had been stretched in recent years, how hard they all worked to maintain peace in the galaxy while the Separatists stood openly against the Republic. Fear was rising everywhere like the harsh waters against an old dam, and it wouldn't be long until it cracked and inevitably spilled free in some way.

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