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"What happened back there?"

They were headed for the Jedi temple to meet with the council and relay everything that had just occurred with the assassination attempt on Senator Amidala's life when Obi-Wan slowed his pace to walk at her side. His hands hidden in his brown robes and eyebrow raised to his hairline. He was taking a careful approach at the question, she could tell with how hesitant his eyes were in taking her in, gauging a reaction which might hint towards discomfort at the topic.

"I'm not sure what you're referring to, Master Kenobi"

Lyra knew exactly what he was addressing, pathetically hoping for more time between her words of denial and the truth behind an answer she wasn't completely sure of herself. She didn't feel it the right time to delve into the topic of her shortcomings, maybe there would never truly be a 'right time'.

"You didn't ignite your lightsaber, back at the club" He clarified gently "we both know you could've reacted faster than I did, you always did have the faster reflexes".

Dropping her gaze from the back of Anakin's head who was walking several paces ahead of the pair, Lyra let the question sit unanswered for the time being. Stretching out whatever answer was forming in her head while she debated between telling him the truth, or cloaking her reasoning behind thinly veiled vagueness.

"I've felt it difficult to use my saber for a little while now" She confessed evenly, giving away no emotion behind her stale words. As if she were reciting from the pages of a book. "My body fails to cooperate with me on the matter, even if I will it".

"Why? Did something happen on Yavin?"

Something did happen on Yavin, something she did not under any circumstances want to spare a thought to. It served to shift many of her thoughts about the Jedi wielding weapons and any kind, that to protect, you shouldn't need the possibility of death lingering in your hands ready to be used and misused as it's wielder seemed fit. She'd won just as much as she had lost on Yavin, lost parts of herself and gained others.

Voicing it would only serve as a grim reminder she'd rather avoid, especially in the company of a prying Kenobi.

"It doesn't matter, I'm sure my hesitation will pass in time. Master Yoda has advised-"

"It does matter, Lyra" The taller Jedi countered quickly, shaking his head at her stubborn attempt at brushing off the important subject "It you're unable to defend yourself in battle, you should have let me know".

She could feel irritation and concern stinging at the edges of his shield, making her roll her eyes and quickly block out whatever else he might be feeling. It was distracting and she didn't want it influencing her decision on the matter.

"There are more ways to win a fight than with a lightsaber, Obi-Wan" She stated matter of factly "I see no need to inform you of any of my troubles".

"So you have more than just one? You know you can tell me Lyra, I am still your-"

He had some nerve, to even attempt the use of that word on her.

Once again she cut him off, stopping in her tracks to address him more directly this time "No, Master Kenobi. I have no obligation to share my plight with someone who failed to send me even one message of their welling in all my time away from the temple, I-" she cursed herself from letting the words tumble out, biting the inside of her cheek to keep herself from elaborating while she quickly resumed her walking pace, eyes glued to the floor.

"I will work on using my lightsaber on my own, you do not have to pretend to worry about me. Worry rather, for your hotheaded Padawan, he seems more invested in our assignment than he should care to show" she knew it wasn't fair to shift focus onto the topic of his apprentice like that, to use his inexperience to her advantage, but couldn't help herself from seeking a way out of the conversation, any way out.

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