A Glimpse

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The harsh wind, the thundering rain, the flash of lightning overhead. All of it lay forgotten in the back of her mind the second the yellow blade filled the edge of her vision and the blaster fire from the bounty hunter before her eyes became the priority, the target.

Obi-Wan was a skilled swordsman she could tell he'd improved immensely since their padawan years and even now he held all the elegance and foresight of his preferred saber fighting style.

She didn't even register the first two shots she deflected, her hand raising the blade instinctively to divert the fire off to the side and out of harms way. It was enough to let Kenobi know she had all the means to look after herself now and he advanced on their attacker with his own spinning blade and determination.

As soon as Jango realised he was facing two Jedi at once he retreated with the flight of the jet-pack on his back and flew into the air firing shots all the while. The distance was enough to provide him with some safety even while the two stepped forward deflecting shots.

Breathe, breathe and fight.

A mantra appeared in her mind, reminding the young Jedi that what she was doing was needed. It was self defence from a person needed to be interrogated by the council about an assassination attempt, several at this point.

But no matter how many times the justification swam through her thoughts, images of jungle fire filled her vision with every shot that rung out around them through the rainstorm.

Green, blue, red, heat.

The subsequent landscape of Yavin territory and the ongoing confrontation swam and morphed into a stream of thought into the past. Separatists? No it was from the inside, a clan leader who had taken it upon himself to oppose the Jedi peacekeeper and revolt. He was barely eighteen, a young man still to meet his prime and yet he had chosen a road so dangerous it ended him up at the opposing end of her saber. She'd drawn it at the last possible moment, deflecting fire and spinning it as he drew another weapon only to end the fight in deafening silence and an ear piercing scream from an elder woman somewhere to her left that made her ears ring until it was drowned out by the bellowing yell of her old Jedi friend Kenobi.

Kenobi...? Had Obi-Wan came to Yavin for her, had he finally come to visit her, or tell her that her time away from home was finally her over?!

Taring her gaze from the dead body below the jungle around her spun and vanished with a blink back to the present scene she'd lost herself from. Lyra let out a gasp in realisation, a bolt of fire skimming her arm, making her hiss out in pain and almost drop her weapon in the process.

This wasn't Yavin, this wasn't then when she'd lost the divinity of a Jedi and let frustration and anger rule her for a split second. It was Kamino and she had a job to complete here which involved her survival from Jango Fett and his son who had now taken it upon himself to start firing shorts from the large ship he sat inside.

The fire was much heavier than any blaster would ever be, denting the ground in large deadly explosions that sent Obi-Wan flying backwards in pained grunts that made her jaw clench and dive for cover before she could provide him with anymore foolish distractions.

Charred flesh on her arm burned as a sore reminder but Lyra kept her eyes focused on Kenobi as he let his lightsaber fall from his grasp with another yelp, the fire was surprisingly accurate from the young clone boy she'd give him points for accuracy.

As soon as she spotted Jango flying around towards her partner the the fire cease, it was time to step in again. Lowering her saber momentarily she dived forwards and into the air to deliver a kick to the side of the mans rib cage that sent him flying against the ground and away from his target.

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