Electric (1)

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   Mitch grabbed the TV remote and scrolled down, switching it from SpongeBob to the weather channel. His eyes scanned over the screen "tornado watch?!" He thought, immediately worried "I hope Scott is ok...".  He overheard the rain violently crashing into the living room window as he stood in the kitchen and started to brew some coffee. He took out his phone, it read 8:32. "he should have been home over half an hour ago." His mind couldn't help but think the worst. He dialed Scotts number, "Maybe hes caught in traffic?" 

"Hey!" Mitch got exited. Only to be let down immediately "You've Reached Scott Hoying, sorry i couldn't answer the phone right now, Leave a message after the Beeeep" (He sang the word beep) 

"Hi babe Its Mitch, I'm worried about you. the roads are apparently horrible and there's a tornado watch. I'm scared of storms when your not around... Where are you? You were supposed to be home like 45 minutes ago," he paused "I'm not angry i just hope your safe, Call me or text me as soon as you get this... Unless your driving, then just hurry home. sorry I'm rambling, i miss you, love you, Bye." He hung up. "god maybe I'm being to clingy."

He decided to go into Scotts room, He layed down on his bed with coffee in hand and his phone in the other. He snuggled himself down under the blankets, surrounded by pillows. It smelled so good. It smelled like Scott. After Scrolling instagram, sipping his coffee and tweeting "@Scotthoying imy" He slowly drifted into sleep with the sounds of hail hitting and rolling off the roof as his lullaby, only to be thrown into a vicious night mare. 


Mitch was thrown awake by the feeling of lips on his, those lips, he knew who they belonged to. 

"Scott! Oh god, it was horrible! you crashed and they found you dead and you were gone, you were gone, i couldn't have you, i had to live without you!" Mitch cried out sobbing onto Scotts chest 

"Shhhh, its ok I'm here. ill never leave you i promise, look im here. Kiss me." He said placing one finger under Mitch's chin and lifting it up so their lips locked.

"I thought it was real... it seemed so real." Mitch cooed

"I came into the apartment and all the lights were off, at first i thought you left home but i guess the electric got blown out by the storm. I got your message and i felt horrible, i got here as soon as i could. i couldn't find you, the last place i thought you would be is in here, but i checked any way. You were sweating and breathing heavy. i yelled for you to wake up but it didn't work." Scott explained

"And then you kissed me" Mitch smiled,his face illuminated only for a second by a flash of lightning "You kissed me and it woke me up, how cliche" He chuckled, feeling more at ease

"It worked because you are my sleeping beauty" Scott said 

"That makes you my prince Phillip," Mitch whispered bringing his face right in front of Scotts "Id like the be awake for the next one though" He lightly connected his lips to his prince, it was the most delicate kiss he had ever given and received yet somehow it was the best, still filled with passion. Scotts lips felt so soft among his. The both held unto the kiss for as long as possible, once they pulled away from each other Mitch smiled sweetly and looked down embarrassed,he blushed, thankful the lack of electricity hid the color that arose. Him and Scott had shared many a kiss before but this was filled with love,it lingered, it made them long for each others touch, made them want to be closer, much closer. 

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