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A/N: My updating schedule is as bad as Dan's.  FYI: Dan's brother's name has been changed to Joseph. Second thing, this story layout has changed. I've decided to split this story into two parts, which is why the chapter names have all been changed. You are currently reading part one, hence why this chapter is called (1.10). I'll explain better later. Enjoy!

There was something weird about cowering in the corner of the end of the street, watching a house, my house, with my hood up and constantly checking the time on my phone. 

It was nearing 8am and I had already seen my mother leave the house for work, look around anxiously and get in the car before getting back out and running to the house and coming out with a folder. 

I was waiting for Joseph now who was due to leave the house in around 10 minutes time. We always walked to school together since we had no one else to walk with around in our area, or at least the people who were around were the people I'd much rather avoid for the rest of my life. 

I stay crouched down, and for the first time since we've been living here I'm thankful for our neighbour's huge bush that always need up scratching my cheek or arms every time I walked too close it. 


Where's Joseph? 

I sigh, frustrated, and as if on demand, I see him come out the house. He looks panicked and I don't think he's slept, which doesn't really add up why he's late to leave for school. With his blazer on, he hurriedly locks the front door and starts walking, his tie untied and hanging around his neck with his earphones in and he starts running down the opposite direction.

I wait until he's completely out of sight before I jump at the chance of running back in to safety, into bed, and I'm not sure why, but my heart has begun to thud in my chest and I begin to feel bad. 

I jog to the house, shoving my key in the door which I prepared in my hand almost half an hour ago, and I've been clutching it so tight there's a print of it on my palm and marks in my hand where it was pushing into my skin.

I realize, though, that the door wasn't locked in the first place and I'm mentally sighing hopelessly at Joseph, thinking you're lucky I decided to come home, and somehow, I won't be surprised if he senses my annoyance. 

I lock the door behind me and I run straight upstairs, throwing myself on my bed and I'm in pure bliss right now since the warmth that has engulfed me and my blood is burning, shooting through my veins. The softness of my bed is like a gentle flower compared to the harsh arctic chill that was biting at my skin all night and even though I'm lying on my front and hate sleeping this way since it hurts my neck, I don't bother to move an inch and just lay there, not taking off my jacket but just lying there, slowly shutting my eyes. 

 I'm less than a second away from sleep before I'm disturbed by loud noises that make me flinch. There's some more shuffling before I hear my brother's voice say: 

'I knew you'd be back by this morning,' and something is soft and fluffy is thrown over me. 

 After that I can feel I'm alone again.

I'm confused when I wake up. 

I don't know if it's because I forgot I let myself fall asleep on my front, if it's because I'm still fully-clothed or if it's too bright for it to be morning, or possibly a variety of all these things. 

I hunt around for my phone which I find in my back pocket of my jeans and huff and sigh when I find it conked out like I did and sat up to put it on charge, waiting impatiently for it to actually light up with my lock screen and wait for notifications to flood through. 

Sighs and Fire (Phan AU) (INCOMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now