1: A strange advertisement

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Four's POV:

I sighed as I placed the open letter on the table to take a sip of my daily morning coffee.

"Another bill just came in..." I muttered dejectedly.

"But... we barely have enough to afford tomorrow's lunch!" X exclaims in disbelief.

I put my coffee mug, now empty, onto the table and stood up. X walked over to take a look at the letter as I made my way to the window.

I took a big breath in and stared out into Srido City, as I did every other day. The city is the same as always. Bustling with algebraics (A/N This is what Four and X's species are called if you didn't get it at first :3) going to work, running their errands and maybe even just taking a walk.

I flinched at the sight of them.

"How are they so happy? Is it because they have a successful career?! Ohh yeahh! It. Is..." I growled.

I was so carried away with glaring at everyone that I didn't even notice I was death-gripping the windowsill, my knuckles turning white as I did.

"Uhm... M-Maybe we can try something else?" X suggested as they put the letter in the cupboard.

I whipped my head around to look at X.

"What else can we possibly do!? We've tried everything and they all ended horribly! Remember when we tried to host an object show and no one signed up? Yeah..." I then recalled all the money used on setting everything up. It was all just a big waste.

"Well, Four... There's way too many object shows on air already! Even so, only a handful are successful!"

I put my hand on my face and let it slide down as I groaned.

"It's no use, X... We should just give up and accept that we're going to be evicted and maybe even worse- get kicked out of Srido City!"

"Oh come on, Four. Don't be so negative! There are only a few cases where algebraics got banned from coming back into the city! Mostly because they broke the law in many ways. We aren't breaking any laws by not... paying... bills..." X then looked at the ground in realisation before uttering the words.


I looked at a wide-eyed X with an 'I told you so' look.

"Just forget it, X..." I sighed as I stumbled towards the desk.

I heard X sigh and go into their bedroom.

I flopped down into the desk chair, staring at nothing for a few minutes before taking my laptop out to browse the web.

A few minutes into browsing, I came across this strange ad.

"Objectopia? Pffft... sounds stupid..."

I didn't really like the sound of it. I mean- who names something by adding 'topia' at the back? They have some naming skills for sure...

I was about to scroll past when the ad started moving around. It was like those animated ads.

There was a flying object-

Then an object that could breathe fire???

I was completely stumped by it. 'What is this nonsense?!' I thought to myself.

Before I knew it, I had subconsciously clicked on it and it led me to a website.

The words 'Play now!' were in big bold words as the background was filled with wonderful lands and weird hybrids of objects.

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