4. Nature says

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"People and machines
made me dirty and polluted
I feel contaminated, tortured
The high pitched sounds
are deafening and disturbing
And the air -- ooff!
I'm hardly able to breathe..."

"But now,
Things have taken a different  turn
The busy world is in lockdown
Streets deserted,no more noise
The human race has paused
And my waters look so pure and blue
Doesn't the green appear
greener to you?
My trees and hills are not cut down
I'm not exploited any more
After centuries I'm able to
enjoy a breath of fresh air
Hear the chirping  birds,
roaring winds,buzzing  bees
in peace...
It's a boon to me
O it's a boon to me...
Thanks to humanity."

I suddenly woke up
from a deep slumber
And thought-
'Mother nature will be good to us
if we are good to her.'


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