Chapter 12

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Song of the chapter:
"Honey" by Kehlani

Two weeks. It had been two weeks since what had happened between me and the girl. For two weeks she had stayed away from me. She wouldn't even look at me. Which I'm grateful for obviously. From the little I see her, her bruises are almost gone. The girl constantly comes in and out of the house and spends the whole day out. There's not much I know about her, and I don't want to know more about her. But she's very suspicious and is hiding something. I barely even believe she has an actual job and just fools around with random girls.

The wedding would be in three weeks. The guests would arrive in two werks. Giving us all a week to settle in, buy the dress and even get to know everyone here. The only thing that made me feel uneasy about was having Sana and Momo here. I love them, I do. But sometimes when we are together in can get hectic. Especially since it's been years since we've last seen each other. All guests had been invited.

It was settled. The girl seemed bothered by having so many people over. She had forgotten that she herself is a guest here. Her motorcycle is rarely even parked outside. She is rarely even here. Not that it bothers me. I'm just really curious about her whereabouts and what her supposedly job is. Sehun doesn't like it when I bring her up. He has every reason to dislike me being around her, but every one of those reasons are ones he shouldn't even be aware about. I want to tell him what I did. Of course he wouldn't react well. But I just know it would be a lot better than keeping it a secret.

"You can't possibly be serious" I sighed to myself. The coffee machine doesn't like me. I'm not very fond of it myself. I haven't been able to properly drink or enjoy coffee these past two weeks. Either the water comes out cold or the coffee won't mix well with it. The coffee machine seemed to only work when the girl did it. Somehow finding a way to mock me.

Deciding that I didn't want to waste more of the little energy I have left, I served myself orange juice. The coffee would have been better. But that machine won't do me any favors. Sometimes I regret being so hard on the girl. Other times, I know I did the right thing. And just because I can't have coffee doesn't mean I should let her back into my life. She so effortlessly gets to me everyday. And I hate that the same burning feeling comes back whenever I think about what happened between us. What I hate more is how I hopelessly tried to make it come back with Sehun but failed. This is wrong.

The house was lonely again. As the days keep passing by, the weather gets colder. Making my stay not so enjoyable. First I have to deal with the girl, then I have the nerve to go behind Sehun's back and now the weather won't even give me hope of a good stay. Sehun had locked himself up a few hours ago. He's been doing this every day. I can't blame him, his work is tough. All my articles had been turned in already. My attempt at keeping my mind busy only worked for a day or two. Every time the girl and I are in the same room I get the urge to do something. But instead face Sehun.

Later that evening I found myself wanting to go into her room. Every time she's not home I find it so tempting to just walk in there and look around. Know what she has in there. What type of decorations she would like. Or her type of clothing. I'm aware that I sound like some sort of psychopath. But I can't help it. The girl simply makes me so curious, it's infuriating on every lever. I shouldn't even want to know anything about her. My mind keeps going back to that one night. I pulled her into the kiss. To be fair, she made it quite impossible to resist. The way she was so close to me. Her hot breath right against my neck, how she whispered into my ear, the girl's voice slowly saying my name in that deep tone... what's wrong with me?

I should be thinking about anything else but her. The fact that I used to have nothing better to do than to spend time with her, and now I'm stuck being alone is just another way to mock me. Mock me for what? I didn't lose anything. We barely were friends. As I thought more about her, the front door opened. And in an instant I knew it was her. The door was slammed shut, but not too hard. And quick light footsteps were soon coming up. Excitement built up within me knowing she's here. Which I quickly shut down when I remembered what she a called me. A bitch. I deserved it. But she shouldn't have said that.

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