Chapter 29

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Song of the Chapter
"Pools" by NIKI

Irene wasn't back.  It wasnt her "curfew" yet but ten more minutes and she would be passed it. I trust her. Who I don't trust is Seulgi. And I can't stop thinking about it. The girl was back this morning but left right away. Without saying a single word to me on her way out. Making me a bit curious about her whereabouts. I'm sure she was with someone else. But why didn't she talk to me? Did I do something wrong? I suddenly began to worry about us. It's such an odd feeling.

"Don't tell me you're waiting for Irene like a fucking mother" the girl's voice whispered. Startling me to the point I wanted to hit her. "It's been a while we don't talk" she didn't even waste a second and immediately read what I was thinking.

"a day" I corrected. Thinking she may have made it seem a bit too dramatic.

The girl looked at me and sat beside me. A light smile on her face as our eyes met. "Right. But just let Irene be. She's safe with Seulgi and having fun" she wore a knowing  smile on her face. And I didn't like what was hiding behind it. Mostly because I didn't want to think about it. The outfit Irene wore was undeniably good looking. Even I personally thought she looked stunning. Of course I did. "Don't stay up too late I have to wake up early tomorrow. Sleep well. Goodnight"

As soon as she said that her eyes widened in surprise. She didn't mean to say that. The look on her face said it all. But it doesn't change the way it made me smile and blush. "Thanks. You too" I say before she could take it back. Having her do that would somewhat hurt me in a way. As if she didn't mean it. I know she did. As soon as the girl left. The door opened. Having Irene arrive just on time. With a wide smile on her face.

"Jesus you scared me" she exclaimed when she saw me. "Why are you still up?"

"Because I was waiting for you. How'd it go?" I teased. Irene immensely smiled and blushed furiously. "Clearly it went well" I smiled. Hooking her arm with mine and heading up the stairs. She was just a bit tipsy. Laughing and loosely walking. In love. Just as I hoped to be with Sehun but never once accomplished. The closer I get to the wedding the more negative thoughts I have about it. I'm doubting our relationship. And I'm doubting my feelings at this point. Whenever I'm around Sehun I get so easily bothered by him.

"She kissed me " Irene giggled "so many times. And held my hand and let me rest my head on her chest. We watched the stars from her car. She's so perfect Mina" she exhaled. A happy one. I smiled at how she glowed with happiness

"I'm glad she is. Let's get some sleep"

"I invited her to breakfast. Hope you can cook"

And just like that she closed her eyes. Already falling asleep. I could only be so glad she changed before laying down. She would have me struggling a whole bunch. I then changed and laid beside her. The only thought in my head being the one of the girl before she descended up the stairs. Wishing me a goodnight's sleep. The action so out of her character it was flattering.

"I see you don't know how to even cook pancakes" Irene laughed at me when it came out shaped more like a square than a circle. Sehun and the guys had left this morning. Wanted to go fishing. They all left and Hyuna was left with a pout on her face, who seems to be glued to E'Dawn. The girl hadn't come back yet, I didn't expect her to. She clearly has places o be. And Jihyo had gone done for a shower. So the kitchen was a huge mess with just the four of us here. We had thirty minutes before Seulgi arrived. And nothing was put together yet.

Irene was slightly panicking. Thinking she won't be able to impress Seulgi. From everything she told me, they weren't dating yet. Not officially. And it was quite surprising. They're already glued to each other. I can only imagine how hard it will be when Irene leaves. Wonder if they'll continue or not "what the hell did you guys burn? Are you making pancakes? With that flour? Where's the mix? Milk? Eggs?" The girl suddenly entered the kitchen. Seeming to be some sort of expert.

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