Chapter 17

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Song of the chapter:
"Onoffonoff" by Kehsi 

The second I had walked inside this morning, Sehun was sitting in the living room, waiting for me. And not a second was waisted as he scolded me for going out with Chaeyoung. It felt as if I was more of his daughter than fiancé. We argued but worked through it. I apologized but told him that I wouldn't stop just because he didn't trust. Of course, he shouldn't but my heart belongs to him. And it's all that matters. As for the girl, I wish she didn't take up so much of my time. My article came in today and  I'm no where near editing it.

But I couldn't get myself to reading it. This whole article revolves around the case of illegal drugs being dealt around the state. And I witnessed it happening. I'm now accountable for the crime. If I don't report it, it's just as bad as doing the crime. But I can't. I just can't. And on top do this I will be meeting the girl in a few moments. Hopefully I just saw wrong and it wasn't even what I think it was. I'm just hallucinating. The girl would never do that.

"I did it. I dealt drugs and I've been doing it for such a long time."

She said the second I met her on the porch. I stayed silent trying to process the fact that she's a criminal. And drug dealer. "You don't understand why I do it. And I don't need you to. But what I do need is for you to keep your mouth shut about it" her words were harsh. But the tone she used was in a pleading manner. She needed me to stay quiet. And even her eyes were begging

Again, I stayed quiet. Not knowing what to do. When I didn't say anything for a while, the girl got a hold of my arm and pulled me to the work shop. Just for a second I was convinced I would end up hurt. But when I was pulled inside and the light was turned on it was taken over by confusion. There were tables, sun lights on the ceiling and a few surrounding these plants. "You plant?" I was surprised.

"No you idiot" she sighed "these is Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana, weed, hemp, drugs whatever"


Now I'm just even more shocked. If the authority were to find this, the girl wouldn't get to live another day free in her life. And there's no way I'm going to make that happen. I don't have it in me to turn her in. Even if I do get a great reward. And even if it solved the case, I cannot do it. There's something about her that just makes me act out of character. It's been proven before, and here she goes again. Contradicting me in doing the right thing.

"Why do you do this?" I asked freaking out and looking around. There was small fridge in here and even multiple snacks, water bottles, and a couch. How is the fridge even on? "You know the consequences Chaeyoung" that felt odd. Saying her name. But this was a serious situation which she didn't seem to understand.

"Yes I fucking know that. But I have no option." She sighed. Reaching into her fridge and taking out a bottle of wine. "Wine?" She said taking out two glasses from a cabinet. I was just surprised by everything in here. It was such a small place, yet she seems to fit everything she'd need in here. I accepted the glass of wine and sat down.

Now my only question was why she did this if she knows what can happen to her if ever caught in the act. I was worried for her. A lot more than I should be. My job isn't to worry about the girl. But it seems like it's the only thing I've managed to do throughout my stay. "Then why?" I asked after she sat down beside me. The bottle of wine in her hands.

Before beginning to talk. She took a large sip out of it. Clearing her throat after doing so. This wine was quite strong. Perfect for the moment. "You don't understand" she sighed in frustration.

"You're not allowing me to" I add.

The girl only continued to drink large amounts of wine at once. Seeming to want to get drunk. I did the same and finished my glass. Which is more than enough for my weak system. Silence was the only thing going on other than the multiple sips of wine we took in just ten minutes. I was already feeling it kicking in. And if I'm not mistaken, the girl might be slightly tipsy. And if not then drunk.

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