Chapter 27

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Song of the Chapter
"Daisy" by Pentagon

"A bunch of idiots you boys are" Chaeyoung said coming down the stairs after a shower and changed clothing. Her hair wet. My eyes not seeming to know when or how to look away from her. "What are we going to eat?" She rested her elbows on the counter and placed her chin in her hand. As if she was in charge.

"Well Irene and I put the brownies in. Give them time. And Kai ordered a lot of pizza. The guys are still trying to work the grill but it's useless. Also I don't really like pizza" Dahyun informed us. Acting like some sort of cute child. Making me want to give her whatever she wants.

Chaeyoung sighed and went into the refrigerator, pulling out a container with chilly in it. Smiling as she handed it to Dahyun "I saved some just for you" her actions were so sweet and friendly. There's too many versions of her. It's hard to keep up. Specially when I may know one too many.

The pizza took its time. And while we waited for it. Popcorn was made, drinks were served. The movies were ready to go. Irene and Seulgi seemed to be getting close. My own best friend is being stolen from me. On top of that it seems as if Dahyun is also taking my sister from me as they share many laughs. Sehun was far too busy with work upstairs but will be coming back down. So I sat beside Momo. Listening to everyone else converse. The girl and the
couple in their own world.

Everyone seemed so relaxed and happy. I could never picture any of us in such violent state like just a few hours ago. Going against anyone in sight. Only because everyone else was doing so. What a crazy thing it is. It only takes a few people to influence the actions of others. Slowly taking over and making such a chaotic mess.

Ding dong

"Pizza" exclaimed a lot more than just one person. Kai rushed to the door and came back with his arms filled with pizza boxes. "There's more" he smiled.

20 pizza boxes. They ordered 20 large pizzas. It was expensive too. Everyone had to pitch in. All kinds of pizza was laid out on the living room floor. The movie began and I remained beside Momo. An opened spot beside. Reserved for Irene who sat with Seulgi. "Mind if I sit here" the girl whispered. Innocently. I only nodded and focused my attention on the movie. Not even a minute in Momo got up and came back with pizza for me and her.

The girl was so still beside me it felt a bit awkward to even eat. The movie started off as boring so I highly doubted the climax would be good. I noticed the girl hadn't eaten anything. Not even at breakfast did she eat. I'm not stalking her nor do I care. I've just noticed. People kept getting up for pizza distracting me every time. Everything was dark the only light source was from the huge TV. I felt the girl lean a bit closer to me as the music got louder and the jump scare could be felt coming. We just didn't know when. She was scared. And I found amusement in this.

"Holy shit!" Nayeon screamed once the figure jumped at the screen with a loud shriek. What startled me was her scream not the jump scare. Chaeyoung had jumped a bit making me chuckle. It went unnoticed by her.

"How did you not get scared" she whispered to me. I turned to meet her face close to me. I panicked for a second before backing up a bit.

"I don't know. But you sure did" I teased. 

The movie was over. The pizza was all gone and there was smoke coming from the kitchen. Seulgi rushed up from her seat and ran to the kitchen. Opening the oven, windows and turning on the lights all in what seemed like a second. The brownies were taken out and placed on the counter. Irene helped by airing the smoke alarm with a random jacket. Pure chaos. It's always chaos when everyone in this room is around.

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