Chapter 26

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Song of the Chapter:
"Seattle" by Sam Kim

"Would somebody like to explain why half of you guys are beat up and in Halloween costumes a day before Halloween or are y'all going to sit there all night with these bruises and bleeding faces?" A nurse said. Apparently we weren't the only ones from the club. More than half of the club was now here. Our group was in one section of the room. The girl had just now arrived. Everyone stayed quiet and shrugged. She sighed and took a clip board out "who started it?"

They had taken Lucas and two other guys in who were unconscious. A lot of the people here had bruises all over. Jihyo having a black eye and cut cheeks. A lot of the fists in here bloody. On the other hand Hyuna and Dawn were the only ones who were in there and came out without one single scratch. "Red haired boy threw the first punch" Kai said.

"Did not!" The guy who punched Irene stood up.

"Yes you did. We were just dancing and you punched her" Seulgi yelled.

"She hit me first" He lied.

"We were all there" Sana joined in.

"So was I" Wonho said "little red riding hood and her mummy friend started it" now I had been thrown into something I had nothing to do with it.

"Shut it pretty boy. It was the red haired guy" Momo said.

"Well I think it was little red riding hood" someone else said.

"Don't think so" another voice said.

"Well you want to know what I think?" Kai said. Punching whoever had spoken before him. The guy punched Kai back. And another fight broke out. Everyone in the waiting room joining in. Shouting and punching. I refused to be a part of this. Well that was until some girl punched Momo. I was frustrated, tired and so my fists found their way against her cheek.


Third POV

Chaos. More than just chaos broke out. There wasn't a single person in the room who hadn't connected their fists to someone else's face. And yet even through the mess in the waiting room, Chaeyoung made sure Mina wasn't in any big trouble. The second she'd seen someone hit her, anger broke out within her and unknowingly tackled them down. As for Irene, Taeyong had kept his eyes on her since she arrived. And now he was the reason she was on the floor, hands covering her face.

A whistle blew and no one stopped. Jihyo found her self behind a chair. The second someone attempted to approach her the chair had flown across the room. Causing even more chaos to take over. A second time the whistle was blown. Momo was on top of a beaten man. Yoongi. Who threw the first punch at her for no reason at all. And now Mina watched as the girl continuously hit the one who previously hurt her. Too shocked to notice Sehun being thrown against the wall.

The whistle blew a third time. Making everyone freeze in their position. Ten cops surrounded the room. Everyone's heart stopped and stood up. Making it seem as if nothing happened. Not only was everyone a mess but so was the room, chairs everywhere and light unnoticeable dents on the wall. "Everyone stand against the wall. Not a word. Now" a muscular cop ordered. Unknowingly, the girl followed beside Mina. Feeling as if it was her duty to keep her safe.

"You" the cop pointed at Irene who barely managed to stand up. "Care to explain?"

"She hit me first" Taeyong immediately said.

"Shut up" he yelled. Everyone was frozen and scared. Mina's hand had found its way in the girl's. Seeking for comfort.

"We were dancing and out of nowhere he had punched me" Irene spit out blood and laid her head against the wall not caring about the orders and sliding down on to the floor.

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