Chapter 46

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Song of the Chapter
"Run" by Joji

Day after day after day. An endless cycle of getting up, showering, hot black coffee, reading, more reading, even more reading, cleaning, barely eating and calling it a day. Last time Sehun and I came in contact was five days ago, at dinner. Irene called me yesterday and wants to meet up with Hyuna later today. As for Jennie, I haven't heard from her in a while. Tomorrow marks a week home. And after that, to my surprise is already thanksgiving. Days went by fast but hours seem to be an eternity. I woke up to the first snow of the year. My body too cold to want to get out of bed. I had no work this week. I was on fall break.

Ring ring ring

"Babe! Guess what? I have a thanks giving office party tomorrow..." I sighed getting up from my warm bed and heated up water for coffee.

"Yes of course." I say as he told me more about it.  "Pick me up at five... yes I have a nice outfit... and coat... perfect. See you then... love you too"

I hated this. Every year it was the same thing for the holidays. My third year now. Thanksgiving, Christmas and even New Years was spent at that office. With people who were too professional for my liking. Champagne, dishes who seemed expensive but tasted poorly. People who were far too old to have actual fun. And classical music that made me want to throw myself out the window. Every year I've canceled plans with Irene in order to accompany Sehun. But not this time. Even if he is bothered that I'll go back to his hometown for the later holidays, it won't stop me.

"Office parties? Again?" Hyuna groaned sitting back in the food court of the mall. Filled with people shopping for tomorrow night. "You better not attend those instead of going over to Seulgi's because I sweater to god-"

"I won't. I promise" I lightly laughed.

We were all excited for those plans. Never once did I think the girls at the bar would eventually become my closest friends. Them. Who fought the night of my birthday. I did too. But I doubted they liked me after that incident. I was the only one to blame for the chaos. But it only made me even more like able in their eyes. Three days. I went three days without thinking about her. And now suddenly, she entered my thoughts. Even when unwanted shes smooth.

After we had some lunch and coffee, we proceeded to walk around and buying nothing at all. It felt empty without all the other girls. "Have you and Chaeyoung talked?" Hyuna suddenly asked me. Being clueless as to how that question makes me feel.

"Not really" I casually shrugged "should we get home? The drive is going to be long" I say looking out at the snow. Becoming heavier and heavier. Even inside the mall it was becoming colder.

"Definitely. But to my house. I'll make hot chocolate and we can watch a movie? Have our own little thanksgiving party? Order pizza, sushi and beers?" Irene offered.

"I love you. Let's do this" Hyuna widely smiled. "I don't care if you don't want to Mina. You're joining anyways"

And so I was pulled out of the mall. Into the cold air. Snow everywhere, falling into my eye lashes and hair. Irene's car taking its sweet time heating up as we shivered inside the car. Watching as the wind shield wipers take the snow off. My cold hands holding my jacket close to me. Yet I received no warmth until the heater began to work. 

As usual, Irene blasted her music and Hyuna sat in front with her. All I could do was look out at the snow falling. And how beautiful the trees looked with snow flakes all over them, making me want to take a picture of it all. We passed by a sledding park. Kids running around with their parents. Others sledding down, some slipping on the snow. It was all just so amazing to look at. Bringing a small smile to my face.

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