Chapter 16

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Song of the chapter:
"Day 1" by HONNE

Yesterday just felt awful. Dinner with Sehun and his parents was oddly quiet and the girl had spend the rest of the day up in her room.  I didn't even bother checking up on her, I shouldn't even be thinking about it. My mind and body were tired so I immediately threw my self on the comfortable bed without a shirt or pants on and rapidly closed my eyes. Not wanting to think about the girl at all. Yet I found myself twisting and turning. The feeling in my stomach whenever I think about what I've done not letting me be at rest. It was driving me insane.

I decided to sleep in and not come across the girl. Saving me a lot of patience and time. I know she's sober, un like yesterday but just seeing her makes my blood boil. She said those things as if they were nothing, to her they weren't. But to me they were everything I've been trying to forget. I've been trying to bare with for so long. And now she just added to how much of a struggle it had been. I kept getting flashbacks. And going back to the dark room. My uncle before the little girl. The same little girl who was too weak to fight back.

"What do you want to do today?" Sehun asked me after spending some time out on the porch. He had gotten a day off and planned to spend it with me. Of course, I had no problem with that and was more than happy. What worried me a bit was how the girl looked at me before driving of on her motorcycle. Was it guilt? Or no regret? What would I know? All I know about her is that, I really don't know anything about who she is. One thing is for sure, I know the taste of those lips damn well.

I had possibly ignored Sehun's question and forgot to even give him an answer. My thoughts just ran wild since yesterday and there's nothing I could tell him about it without literally outing my self. "Sorry, there's nothing to do here. Only in town" I quickly said. Averting my full attention to my wonderful fiancé before me. He raised his eyebrows. Curiously. Did I say something wrong?

"You must go into town a lot" he said looking away from me. Clearly wanting to say something else under that sentence.

I only nodded and looked away. The air becoming extremely awkward between the two of us. It had never been this way. We always have a lot to talk about. But it seems like Sehun's comment killed the conversation. And I had no wanting in keeping it going if he's going to act as if I did something wrong. Well I did. But he isn't even aware of that. He has the right to be mad at me, but now about this. I won't let him control what I do.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Sehun quietly asked me. Sounding and looking so pure and sweet. His hand too mine as his thumb caressed my fist.

"Yes. Are you?" I returned the smile and calm manner. Sehun nodded and the silence was back.

This isn't how it should be. It feels as if he knows about me and Chaeyoung but refuses to say it. Or he could have suspicions about it. Can I blame him? All the girl does is tease and mess around. I'm beginning to understand why Sehun despises her so much. But I just cant come to terms of completely hating her. I hate when she's a jerk. Or when she gets drunk. But I like it when she's being funny or tries to make a decent conversation with me. Nothing like Sehun's and I's conversation.  The difference is that I can actually tell the girl is interested in me and not just her own job. Which she doesn't even talk about.

The less she wants to talk about it, the more I feel the need to know about it. It's odd. "Do you know what type of job your sister works?" I suddenly asked Sehun. Being aware that it may or may not bother him a bit.

He shifted a bit and stayed quiet. All I could is awkwardly wait. Hoping he might know at least something "Not really. She rarely even talks to me. But her job is never mentioned. You know she says she's been working all day but I feel like she doesn't" Sehun shrugged. Bringing images into my mind I didn't even want to think about. Like the girl being with other people. Such stupid things shouldn't bother me. I don't care. It's her life. "Why?"

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