Chapter 42

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Song of the Chapter
"Drunk" by Keshi

"Mina, don't go."

Don't go back home?

Or stay by your side?

What does she mean by that? I won't question her. She held a strong grip on my shirt. As the final tears and sobs left her small body. Then it became quiet. Just me and her. On this couch. Her hands soon snaked around my waist. We held each other in a hug. I didn't want to leave. I don't want to go back home. Because that means I won't get to see her. And my life feels so fulfilled with this girl. Without her, I'll go back to my boring, plain and uneventful life.

"You reek of alcohol" She muffled into my shirt. Letting out a light laugh afterwards.

"And you don't?" I responded. My hold only becoming stronger around her body as we both laughed. This is what I want. What I've always wanted. The way I'm feeling right now. So comfortable and caring towards her. The girl trusts me. I know she does. For her to be able to cry, hold me and joke around the way she had just done so, says a lot.

I remember she once told me: I prefer your company over being alone. It isn't until now that I realize just how much that sentence means. Chaeyoung loves being alone, having her own company full fills her more than having people around. She's a private person. With her own thoughts, decisions and most importantly a job that is only known to me and her partners. She opened up to me. About something that is so consequential. Because I am trusted by her. But she's drunk. There's still alcohol in our systems. I cannot trust her words.

"You're really leaving me tomorrow" she said. Finally letting go and sitting up. As if it was a natural instinct, I wiped away her tears. My hand remaining on her cheek as I looked at her lips. Pulling her face closer to me, I kissed her. So softly, savoring her lips. The taste of alcohol. How she immediately responded, pulling my waist. It was just one, slow and tender kiss. That said more than words ever could. "I like kissing you" she smiles.

"I do too"

"So kiss me Mina"

Whatever it was in her voice, that look behind those eyes, and the way her lips moved completely took over me. Both my hands pulled her cheeks closer to me, into a slow and passionate kiss. It was just our lips. Patiently meeting the other's. Making the moment last. My eyes closed. Her arms softly holding me. As if she wasn't crying a minute ago. As if we never hated each other. Almost like I've forgotten all the horrible things she has said and made me feel. Because all it takes is one kiss, and I'm all her's. 

She cried. I held her. We kissed. That's it. The kiss didn't go any further. And it didn't need to. This was more than enough. All I wanted. It was our way of saying goodbye. After tomorrow there will no more of us. All we have done together will just be memories. A fling almost. We both knew it from the beginning. The only thing I didn't know was just how much shed make me feel towards her. I had completely fallen for her. And I refuse to believe she didn't feel anything towards me her eyes and way of kissing me said other wise. We both of silently sat on her couch.

"How fucking awkward must it be in there. I almost feel bad" she broke the silence after a few minutes. We weren't holding each other any more.

"Maybe I should go back." I sighed. Knowing I had been here long enough.

"You should" she says. I began to feel disappointed she didn't want me to stay with her any longer. "If you can't sleep tonight, I'll be here" she says as I leave her workshop. More meaning hidden in her words. She wanted me to come back tonight. And I know damn well that I'll do anything in my power to do so. If I have little time left here, I would only want to spend it with her.

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