Noah's Letters(5)

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First Entry

"Dear Dominic;

I have only known you for about three months, which is odd since it seems like I've known you for much longer. When we first met, I thought you were a sick and crazy person. Like why would you reach out to touch someone who is completely covered up! Like wtf is your problem! I also thought you kinda looked like slenderman with your very long legs.... don't hate me!

But that isn't what this journal is for.

This journal... it's the most meaningful thing anyone has given me. Not only was it handmade, but it gives me an opportunity to live after death. I will try to fill each page with something, so even if I am gone, I want you to feel as if I am sitting beside you. Making fun of your horrible baking and watching Tom Cruise ride down the beach to that beautiful baby blue house. So thank you so much for giving this to me.

And thank you for always being with me."

Eighth Entry

"Dear Dominic;

Lately I've been getting colder. Also the pain has been getting a bit much, but that's expected when you're dying, right? Anyway, today... today you taught me what it means to truly touch someone. Not for sexual means but... but have a connection. It's been so long... so fucking long since I've felt that connection. I always felt like a bubble boy or someone who was just a disappointment because... because I was me. It was really hard seeing my dad and mom scream at each other after I was diagnosed. I used to cover my ears and hide underneath my bed because I... I blamed myself... I still kinda do. I would cry all night sometimes and I would curse God for making me like this.

But the hardest was Kendra. She not only lost her loving family, but lost the care and attention she deserved. Everyone was focused on me, so she was forgotten. That's why I never hated Christian, because someone needed to prioritize her. I was afraid she would hate me, but not once did she. She always loved me, supported me, lectured me... everything. I don't deserve the good sister I have.

However... what has been hurting me the most right now is that I will be leaving you behind. That one day I won't be able to hug you and be spoiled by you. I won't have you to hold me in many positions and rub my back when these get tough. I'll be leaving you... soon. So let's spend this time loving each other.


Twelfeth Entry


Some days I feel like I am about to die. The pain is just too much for me... I'm not strong enough anymore. It's like my flesh is being melted off the bone and I'm unsure whether or not I can continue. I know you want me to live... but is it okay not to?"

Twentieth Entry


I'm about to leave you. I'm sorry. Promise me this though. When I pass, you'll continue your research for Gracie. Help her get better, have her not be alone anymore. Then save others just alike how you saved me. After that, find someone... anyone. Fall so in-love and have the life I dreamed I had with you. Then... live.

Because I don't want to see you any time soon. Not until you have grey hairs and all wrinkly. Okay?"

Thirtieth Entry

"Dominic Storm;

I'm sorry."

Fortieth Entry

"My Dear Dominic Storm;

I love you... and I'll see you soon."

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