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You nervously sat on your bed, hoping that maybe just by being alone you could see him again. However, that wasn't the case. He never appeared. Not until you were nearly asleep at least.

"You appear at the worst times." You commented sarcastically. "It's the will of the Force, but this isn't exactly a good moment for me either. I'm making calculations to make the jump to Earth." He said and you looked at him confused.

"Do you not even remember the other worlds outside your own?" Kylo asked, a new memory sprung to your mind.

Yourself and Marie looked out the window of the ship. It was absolutely beautiful, so many worlds out there that you would never explore. But you noticed how cold it was. That's when you felt someone wrap their arms around you. You looked up to see Kylo standing there, a grin on his face, he looked so happy and at peace.

Your attention was brought back to the present by the familiar hissing of a helmet. You looked up to see Kylo standing there without his helmet.

"What... What was our relationship like? What were we?" You asked and Kylo sighed, but a rememberance smile lingering on his face. He sat down on your bed.

"When we first met, we weren't exactly friends. We bickered often. And, I don't take no for an answer. But for you... For you I would. You were different, you didn't treat me like everyone else. You didn't want power from me or riches, you just wanted to be around me..." Kylo said looking up at you, and away from his gloved hand.

"I hope you'll remember some day, but we did... we did get married." Kylo said and your eyes widened. That man was your husband?!

Another memory came to your mind.

You saw a large room, filled with flowers and a red carpet before you. You were wearing a dress, and many were seated off to either side of you. In front of you, stood Kylo looking nervous. But somehow you could feel he was nervous. You felt a sense of pride at the decor, even noticing a large red banner with a black symbol on it.

"I remember." You suddenly said and Kylo's attention snapped to you. "I remember what it looked like. I remember what you looked like and what I was wearing." You said and Kylo smiled. "When you entered the room that day, you literally took my breath away." Kylo said, a breathy chuckle escaping his lips. You blushed as you looked away with a smile on your face.

"You sure do know how to make a girl blush." You chuckle and Kylo shook his head with a smile, "And you still have the same attitude I remember." He said and you shrugged. "I'm a package." You said and Kylo laughed.

"Are you nervous?" Kylo asked and you looked at him. "For us to come and get you." He added and you looked down to the bed you were both sitting on. "A little, because I don't know what to expect. But deep down inside, I feel comforted by it." You admitted and Kylo nodded.

"We're going to bring your memories back. I have my best scientists working on an antidote." Kylo reassured you.

Kylo then straightened up as he turned to look at a corner of the room. "I have to go, I'm getting a transmission." He said, standing up and the moment you blinked was the moment he disappeared. You felt your heart sink, already missing his presence.


"What is it?" Kylo asked, harshly. He was annoyed that he had been interrupted when he was spending time with you. "Sir, the antidote is ready. But our coordinators are saying that the jump to Earth is too risky, and that it could cut each ship in the middle during hyperspace. They need more time to find the safest way possible." The General informed and Kylo inhaled deeply. "Alright, well done." Kylo praised and the transmission ended.

A knock to the blast door of Kylo's quarters caught his attention. Kylo walked over and opened the blast door. It was Phasma and Marie. "Have you heard anything? From Y/N?" Marie asked. Phasma was comforting her. Marie looked as if she had been crying. Kylo let the both of them in. "I talked to her just a moment ago. She remembered a couple of things. But when we give her the antidote then she will remember. We just have to wait until the coordinates are correct." Kylo reassured Marie.

"The antidote is ready?" Phasma asked and Kylo nodded, "It is, I just assume actually trying to find Y/N on Earth will be the bigger challenge. You remember when we landed on Earth.. I felt over 7 billion complex humans roaming that planet." Kylo said and Phasma nodded as she rubbed Marie's back comfortingly.

"We'll find her. Even if we have to search every corner of the Earth." Kylo said, a gloved hand balling up into a fist.

(SLOW UPDATES) A Memoir to the Memory [Kylo Ren x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now