I want some cake!

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Word count: 762

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Word count: 762

Midoriya pov
What's going on- is that a hero? I can't keep my eyes open for long, I'm so tired...

"Midoriya!! Don't fall asleep we're almost there!" A voice calls out.

What? Where? Almost where? It's so noisy.

He opens his eyes seeing red and blue lights that look blurry. He closes his eyes again dazed, feeling sharp pains all over his body.

"It hurts, everywhere it-" what's happening to my body? I can't move it.

his breathing quickened and he opened his eyes again to see a crowd of people with blue masks on and white lights. Finally he goes unconscious.
24 hours later

Midoriya wakes up looking around confused as to what happened. He has a slight fever. His mother is by his side asleep. It's around the evening time.

Huh? Wasn't I just at the convenience store a few moments ago??? How the heck did I end up here!?!?

He sits up and looks at his right arm seeing it's covered in bandages and so on his legs.

"Mom..." Midoriya gently rubs his mom's head as she wakes up, her eyes red. "Are you okay?" He asked her. She looks at him shocked and confused then smiles helplessly.

"Yes, I'm fine! But more importantly I'm glad you're okay." She wipes her tears and embraces him compassionately. He hugs her back and she releases him.

"Ahh...mom, how did I get here?" Midoriya asked. "You were rescued by some heros, wait...you don't remember what happened?" She looked surprised.

"Not really, I was on my way to the store because I was hungry and after I got there everything else is a blur." Now that I think about it- *stomach growls* huh!?! I'm still hungry!

"Um, you wouldn't happen to have some food on you mom..would you?" Midoriya nervously scratches his head as his stomach growls again. A few hours later.

Midoriya was released from the hospital and filed a report with the police of what he could remember (which was the fact that he was at the store). Around 9:30 his mom dropped him off at U.A and walking back to the dorms it hit him.

"Wait, THE TEST WAS TODAY!!!" he stops in his tracks as he just remembered. When was the last time I studied the material? Sensei is gonna kill me! "Damnit!!" He's about to open the door when it swings open hitting him in the face making him fall backwards.

"Ahh! My apologies! Midoriya-kun!?!?" Iida looked at Midoriya with a shocked expression, holding a few garbage bags. He drops the bags and helps him up. "Sorry but you should know to never stand behind any door!" He says full of energy.

"Yes, yes I know. I was distracted-" he dust himself off. "Oi, Iida-kun you forgot a bag." Todoroki comes out and looks at both of them.

"Sorry, thank you!" Iida says before taking the garbage bags to the trash can out back. "Hey, welcome back." Todoroki says heading back inside as Midoriya follows. "Thanks-"

"Midoriya?!" The class yells shocked and rushes over to him. "H-hey guys!" Midoriya smiles happy to see them all.

"I bet you sneaked out to get your precious hands on a girl you like!" Mineta says and Kaminari adds on saying, "Midoriya-kun you can't have all the ladies to yourself!"

"No, no, no, no!!" Midoriya says quickly, a blush rising on his face. "it wasn't like that I was...hungry-" everyone stared at him in silence. "That's it? You could have told us you were hungry, Sato made cake!" Ashido squeals.

"Yes, it was soooo good- but in honesty we wouldn't have saved you any~" Uraraka smiles nervously. "Uraraka-chan, that's mean! Everyone got a piece." Hagakure says pouting apparently.

"Oi! I didn't get a piece!" Kirishima protests, "Sato-kun why didn't you leave any for me?" He asked, "You were already asleep on the couch." Sato looks at him "besides the girls kept getting seconds. You wouldn't have made it out alive." Sato exaggerated but was mostly accurate. "Amen to that-" Tokoyami comments

"Huh, I feel asleep?" Kirishima looks puzzled trying to remember. "You can't remember falling asleep in the middle of our conversation, shitty hair..." Bakugou leaned against the wall. "Huh!?! Are you sure I didn't black out??" Kirishima groans.

"Oi, Oi, Oi- it's time to retire to your rooms. I'm running on 3 hours of sleep and if anyone needs me don't bother me." Mr. Aizawa says before retiring to his room. Everyone scattered to their rooms quickly.

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