Training camp end

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Word count: 924

"YOU BASTARD!!" Bakugou gets more fired up, running full speed ahead using his quirk to blast the villain further in the forest. "Go get out of here!" Todoroki yells, Kirishima picks up Midoriya carrying him on his back dashing off away from the chaos.

"Midoriya, how are you holding up?" Kirishima asks in-between breaths. Midoriya breathing was descending rapidly, his wounds slowly were starting to open. Midoriya voice was low and weak, "I-I'll be fin-" he winces in pain.

Kirishima pov
"You don't sound fine to me! Don't worry we're almost there! Hang in there okay!" Kirishima runs past his limits, "KIRISHIMA WAI-" Midoriya tries to warn him but a villain with multiple chainsaws attacks Kirishima, but he hardens just before his arm gets severed.

The villain attacks again, from his blind side on the right, Midoriya punches the villain back. "Midoriya if you can, can you help out with my blind spots!?" Kirishima gets into a fighting stance. "Yes, I'll do my best!" Midoriya gets boosted off of Kirishima's manliness and is filled with determination.

Bakugou pov
Damnit I can't get that image out of my head...that damn nerd better be fine or I'll kill him myself! Bakugou gets flashbacks from seeing Midoriya getting stabbed. Damn nerd you better be okay.

Bakugou and Todoroki make their way back to base camp. They ended up catching up to Midoriya and Kirishima.

"Once he comes after me you go after him. I'll create you some cover." Midoriya tells Kirishima right before using his uninjured arm to punch the ground creating a smokescreen with the dirt.

Todoroki and Bakugou stopped in their tracks as they got caught up in the smokescreen. What the hell are they doing!? I can't see anything, what are those two idiots thinking?

The smoke clears with the villain passed out on the ground, and Midoriya and Kirishima panting heavily. Midoriya vision goes blurry and his body aches with pain everywhere. He collapses to the ground exhausted. Kirishima runs over and catches him right before he hits the ground. Bakugou and Todoroki rush over towards them.

Kirishima places Midoriya on his back again before seeing a blood puddle that had formed underneath him. Bakugou expression was a mixture between pissed and scared with a hint of...guilt? He was mostly furious for sure, but seeing his childhood friend like that sent him over the edge.

"Hurry Kiri!!" All 3 of them rush to base camp fast. "You better not....tsk you better not die damnit or I-I'll kill you myself!" Bakugou choked on his words, the arrogant brat choked on his words, it's hard to believe.

All 4 of them finally make it back to base camp, the authorities and a few other pro heros come just in time.

Few hours later, class 1-A heads to the hospital to get healed up after having the league of villains ruin their training camp. School was out for a week for the students to recover. In the hospital room, Midoriya just got out of surgery heavily asleep.

A few kids went back to the dorms early with a few cuts and bruises. Some we're told to stay the night to recover. The day in the afternoon Midoriya is the last one to be released from the hospital. He met Almight to ask him a question about a certain girl from the cabin, outside the hospital.

"Almight, the night when the villains attacked, right before I met this girl that apparently knew me but she didn't look familiar. She warned me about the attack, I don't think she was working with the villains." Midoriya explains everything in detail.

"Hmm...your class was famous because of the sports festival maybe that's how she knows you. Although only the pro heros knew about that training ground. That's worrisome-" All might said thinking to himself.

Few moments later All might dropped Midoriya off at the dorms and went to get ready for a meeting with the pro heros. "These past few weeks have been so weird lately.." Midoriya mumbles to himself before greeting his classmates. Iida already began lecturing Midoriya to take it easy and to drink water.

"Midoriya are you sure you're alright? Back there...seeing you like that was hard to get out of my head. Like I was responsible." Todoroki shows a worried expression. Midoriya gives him a small reassured smile, "Yes I'm okay, next time I'll be more careful Todoroki-kun! It's a promise!" Midoriya says full of energy.

"I'll hold you to that." Todoroki smiles, Midoriya looks shocked by his expression. Seeing him smile is always a shock since he seems serious all the time. While this was taken place Bakugou couldn't help but look over at them feeling heated.

It should be me, he smiles at like that not that half and half bastard. Bakugou thinks to himself then comes to his senses. What the hell? Why do I suddenly care what he does and who's around him. Damnit maybe I'm going crazy because of the villain attack...that has to be it. I don't care about him!!

Minopi/author: I just started school Monday, and I'm already on the verge of screaming at the workload. But updates on this story will be random, (like it wasn't before my lazy self). But I'll mostly post on the weekends, I will try to anyway. Hopefully they won't be too short for you and you enjoy it. Stay safe guys and more smut on its way!

 Stay safe guys and more smut on its way!

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