Drunk is a word....So is Mine

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Word count: 1253The drinking age in this fanfic is 18+ and older

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Word count: 1253
The drinking age in this fanfic is 18+ and older. (I found out oct 2nd about the drinking age in Japan and too lazy to change 3 parts where class 1-A is 18 maybe 17. I apologize in advance since underaged drinking is approaching.)

The night club was dark with bright neon lights, dancing bodies grinding and colliding with each other. Music blasting to an up-tempo beat, the bar packed with individuals conversating, drinking bubbling beverages full of alcohol and eating the most delectable mouth watering foods. Class 1-A was having the time of their lives but...someone was missing wait a damn minute where is deku?

"DETROIT SMASH!!" Midoriya yells annihilating his 20th robot. He got caught up with training with Allmight that only he remembered by asking Allmight the time. "Oh no no no no! I completely forgot about the party!" Midoriya panics and grabs his things waving goodbye to Allmight.

It takes him 40 minutes to take a shower and get dressed driving over to the club. He enters the club feeling a bit overwhelmed until he saw Denki and Mina dancing around the DJ and Iida try to get them down. Sero and Mineta checking out girls except the girls seem more intrigued by Sero.

Kirishima and Bakugou started a beer drinking contest. Todoroki is surrounded by girls asking him questions while he's trying to have some tea. Jiro, Hagakure, and Momo, were dancing and singing on the dance floor. Uraraka and Asui were playing darts near the lounge part of the night club.

'Ahh...well good to see they're all having fun.' Midoriya thinks to himself, a certain brown hair girl comes up to me. "Midoriya-kun! I thought you weren't going to make it!" Uraraka comes running up giving me a tight squeeze. "You want to play darts with Asui and me?" She grabs his arm, with a half drunk half aware smile. "S-sure!"

🍻*Drinks later*🍻

It's getting late and its going on 11:30 pm when the Dj plays a certain song causing most of class 1-A to take over the dance floor. Uraraka and Midoriya were on the dance floor happily dancing up close on another laughing conversing. Kirishima glances at Bakugou still sobering up from 2 beer drinking contest back to back.

"H-hey baku *hic* bro, you...you've been eyes for Mido~riya since he was *burp* Uraraka." Somehow Kirishima's drunk speech was understood. "NO I~ I don't!~" Bakugou was still sobering up but at least he won't trip and fall if he were to walk. "Then whyyy~ y-ya keep lookin at em~ h-*hic*huh?" Kirishima chuckles.

"Ya likes him~" he teases Bakugou before Denki comes up to both of them. "Woah, you're both so drunk on kool-aid right now! Kirishima a-are you oka-" Kirishima puts his arm around Denki playfully. "Need peeeee~~ PeE!" Kirishima laughs. Denki looks lost, "You want to drink pee? I guess we can ask the bartender."

Bakugou burst out laughing, "No Pika~chu!!! THE bAthROom!!!". "Ahhh! R-right!" Denki helps Kirishima to the bathroom. A slow song starts to play, Bakugou glances over at his nerd and they lock eye contact for a moment. Only for Uraraka to lean against his chest hugging me and he smiles hugging her back.

"Tch! DaMn NERD!" Bakugou marches over to them furious. Midoriya looks up seeing a vicious pomeranian come over to them. "H-hey Bakugou!~" Midoriya gently shakes Uraraka. "Hmm~ HEY TSU!" Uraraka jumps up seeing Tsu with a drink and some delicious food in her hand. She rushes over next to her almost tripping over her own feet.

Midoriya asked if she was okay before feeling pressure behind his neck drawing him toward a warm sensation with an arm wrapped around his neck. "Why~ not kacc~han..." Bakugou buries his face in Midoriya neck. "I- I didn't th-think *hic* you like that~" Midoriya looks over at him shocked.

"We're old~er I thought you w-w-won't like kac*hic*chan~" Midoriya feels unbearable pain on his neck that turned into pure pleasure making him cover his mouth before releasing a moan. H-HE...DID HE BITE ME?!?! I pull away from his warm embrace bright red stumbling over my own feet falling backwards but strong arms catch me holding me close.

"Midoriya are you okay? You're bright red did you catch a cold?" A warm worried voice filled my ears. "Did something bite you?!" The person pressed on the spot gently and I quietly let out a moan not able to hold it in any longer. "Ngg~" I stood upright quickly, realizing it was Todoroki who caught me.

"S-sorry *hic* todo~roki-kun I'm f-fine!" My blush got even worse, things couldn't get more embarrassing...how wrong I was. Bakugou grabs me from behind pulling me into his chest. "MINE YOU HALF *HIC* AND HALF BASTARD!!" Bakugou yells picking me up on his shoulder marching out the night club with Midoriya still very lost.

Bakugou could care less how much of a scene he made on the dance floor. Even Todoroki was speechless very confused at Bakugou's sudden but not surprised outburst. "Baku~gou *hic* I c-c-can walk *hic*", Bakugou jerked him walking to his truck, "Not My *hic* NaMe!"

He fumbles getting his keys unlocking it with one hand, almost blowing his keys to oblivion. He throws Midoriya in the back seat, he yelps in shock while Bakugou climbs on top of him pushing him down closing the car door behind him.

"Deku..." Bakugou stares into those bright green marbles of his that beamed in the moonlight. You could get lost in them, but feel right at home. "Bak- K-kacchan...wha *hic* are- are you d-d-doing???" Midoriya squirmed underneath him trying to push him off- but he stopped abruptly seeing him smile?

Midoriya pov
He couldn't believe his eyes, he didn't know his childhood bully was capable of smiling without it being sinister. Those bloodshot eyes now shimmered like priceless red jewels matching his smile.


He didn't realize Bakugou was inches from his lips, Midoriya only thought of one thing. '𝓡𝓪𝓲𝓵 𝓶𝓮' of course his mumbling habits got the better of him- of course he only heard of the word from an action movie ....he didn't know what it meant....fortunately Bakugou was giving lessons.

Bakugou smiled again shocked but loving his response. This time his eyes were bloodshot red hungry for something that Midoriya could fulfill or release. "Rail me huh?-" he chuckles huskily. "You're a little freak aren't ya deku~" his voice dropped and the 𝓫𝓲𝓰 𝓫𝓾𝓭𝓭𝔂 in his pants was ready to play.

At this point in time his brain processed what he had just said..."AHH!! *hic* T-T-THATS N-NOT WHAT I M-MEANT!!! IT *hic* AN ACCID-" Midoriya tries to explain himself practically a strawberry. Bakugou licks Midoriya's bottom lip and gives it a slight bite teasingly leaving kisses down to his neck.

Midoriya's face is a blushy mess, feeling Bakugou press his leg against his half hard member. Hearing that deep voice from his crush and the way he teases him making him squirm crossing his legs.

"Hah~*hic*..NuGg~" Midoriya shivers from the sudden warm sensations, slight moans escaping him. His arms instinctively wrap around his neck, Bakugou is about to mark his prey when a window shatters close by making them both freeze in place.

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