Cafe date?

86 1 0

Word count: 785

"I have to meet with kacchan, probably about the attack." Midoriya looks at Allmight, "Go ahead, tell him I said hi." With that Midoriya rushes over to the meet spot quickly, making it there in exactly 5 minutes.

"Baku- I mean kacchan!" Midoriya pants as he ran all the way there since traffic was pretty bad. Bakugou is leaning against the wall when Midoriya shows up. "It's about time dumbass, let's go." He walks inside and takes a seat in a booth next to the window and Midoriya walks in right behind him sitting across from him while he's trying to catch his breath. 

Midoriya pov
In this situation, Midoriya couldn't look at least directly- especially after last night. But he only remembers pieces, "Do you remember what happened that night?" Bakugou asks, an agitated expression pasted on his face. "U-um well, only pieces…" I can't lie to him, he knows me way too well to know if I were to lie or not.

"Tell me what you remember- and stop looking away from me!" He slams his hand on the table and he winces slightly forgetting his injuries. "O-okay okay! I'm sorry! I'll tell you everything I remember." Midoriya lifts his head to look into Bakugou's priceless red jewels. The waitress stood there with a pen and notepad trying to get their attention for the past 5 minutes.

I could feel my cheeks start to heat up, damnit! Why do I have to like my bully!?! I began telling him what I remembered while we ordered drinks. Of course I didn't say we...we touched each other in that way or the Nomu incident, Including that I was placed on the case. I'm still not supposed to say anything yet. The waitress gave us our drinks, "That's all that I remember…" I take a sip of my hot chocolate. 

"So you don't remember giving me a lewd expression that night?" Bakugou drinks his pumpkin spice latte calmly, seeing Midoriya choke on his drink. "WH-WHAT!?!? I DIDN'T HAVE A LEWD EXPRESSION!" Midoriya shouts, then reality hit...he's still in a cafe. He turns facing the window of the booth corner curled up in a ball that's completely red all the way to the tip of his ears.

The people in the Cafe just looked curiously while someone was laughing at me. "Ha-HAHAHAHA~" I peek out to see who it is. K-kacchan?!?!?! H-he can laugh in a non-sinister way??!?! "K-kacchan are you feeling okay?" I asked with worry plastered on my face.

Bakugou pov
I didn't think the nerd would react like that! Fuck- I didn't even know he could be funny when he's so shy all the time. "Tsk- you're cute- I mean fine! No! Ughhh!!!" I slammed my hand on the table again, this time I really felt something open making me grit my teeth in anger. "D-damnit!" Why the hell did I say that!? Midoriya puts his arms over his face still blushing like the nerd he is.

"Ahh! You're bleeding, should we get you to the hospital!?" Midoriya comes out of his embarrassment phase quickly. "No I don't, they gave me what I needed already. It's back at my place." With that Midoriya volunteers to help clean up his wound. They both head over to Bakugou's loft walking side by side since he lives a walking distance away from the Cafe.

Out of nowhere Midoriya started to smell all types of wildlife, certain flowers, sweet smells like if he was in a bakery. His nose was on a rampage Identifying certain smells. 'What's happening to I feel all hot everywhere~' after taking a deep whiff his body started to get hot and a huge blush was spread across his cheeks what's why does he smell so good?

Meanwhile back at the cafe with the manager, side story just after Midoriya and Bakugou left.

Manager- "now time to test my new lattes out!" *looks on the counter for the pumpkin spice and hot chocolate*

Waitress 1- "Don't worry manager! I already gave the 2 men their drinks."

Manager- *surprised Pikachu face* "The ones on the back counter???"

Waitress 1- "Yes...why?"

Manager- "oh no...those were the experimental drinks that convert you to a half wolf half was for a project."

Waitress 1- "....please don't fire me, I-I didn't know!" 
End of short story

Explanation for anyone still confused!
Minopi/author: This lovely author explains the situation for me.

This will only last until midnight I cannot afford to have them going into rut or heat periods in battle! 😅

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