🥦 to 🍓

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Word count: 902
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ emoji overuse!

After talking with his team and supervisor Midoriya helped the police and went to patrol around to see if there were any survivors. The scene before him was a chaotic mess, the once stable building now burned and decomposed to the ground with huge craters in bits and pieces of broken glass.

30 minutes of scouring the inside and around the buildings the patrol came to a close and we meet with our broccoli man at the hospital getting stitches and checked out. "Um...sir can you not feel that?" The nurse looks at him not even flinching at the injections.

Midoriya looks down at his wrists surprised, he didn't feel anything...not even a flick of pain. "N-nani?" He mumbled quietly, then looked back up at nurse. "I was lost in thought. I didn't want to move so I tried blocking it out. Looks like it worked!" I give her a goofy smile, she relaxes and finishes giving me medication and sending me on my way.

I check my phone getting a message from Allmight

"Midoriya!" I hear someone call out to me. I turn around seeing Iida running up to me. "Thank goodness you're alright, I came to tell you about Bakugou's condition." Iida pants slightly, my heart sank hearing those words. "IS HE OKAY? DID HE GET A SERIOUS INJURY!? W-WAIT DID HE CAUSE THE HUGE EXPLOSION?!"

"MIDORIYA!" Iida grips my shoulders firmly, and looks around seeing people near the entrance stare at us. An embarrassed blush rises to my cheeks. "He's at another hospital, come on." He starts pulling me along waving at a taxi.

Moments later, we're at another hospital I practically YEET Iida out the taxi rushing inside the hospital. He takes me to his room where kacchan was sleeping peaceful. Both his hands were bandaged up he probably fractured them. Good thing it's not too bad.

There was a soft knock on the door and Kirishima and Uraraka walk in. "Ahh! Deku-kun!" Uraraka hugs me and pulls away with a sigh of relief. "I'm glad to see you're both okay." Midoriya takes a deep breath, Kirishima was also covered in a few bandages mostly on his torso. "Yeah, alcohol and fighting villains don't work well together." Kirishima chuckles lightly ashamed of himself.

Uraraka pov
"Don't be like Kirishima-kun! We were excited about graduation. We deserve a break after all." I walk over to him and give his hand a slight squeeze. "She's right Kirishima, even though drinking isn't good for the body- does not mean you shouldn't relax now and then! 🙌🤚🤚👍👍" Iida starts speaking sign language again.

Kirishima scratches the back of his head with a small smile. "I would consider it pretty manly that you were able to fight while intoxicated, do you think you could teach me?!" Midoriya smiles brightly, eyes full of admiration. I look back at Kirishima crossing my arms, he has his big toothy grin on his face.

I smile when- GRrrRrRr~, "Aaa-ahh...I guess I'm hungry again...I did mostly drink and dance at the club. OH! Hey deku-kun where did you and Baku-kun go after I went with Tsu?" I look over at him curiously.

"Oh, we went to his truck to ge-" Midoriya stops mid sentence and turns into a bright red strawberry. "U-um..w-w-we um- h-he- look f-f-for his...KEYS!! LOOK FOR HIS KEYS! y-yeah because he l-lost them!" Me and Iida look at each other in sync.

Kirishima looks at him and smiles, does he know something?!?! "Okay then, me and Iida will leave you 2 alone. I have to go check on Tsu and Mina." Iida and I walk out still puzzled. I'll have to use my secret weapon to get it out of him later.

Kirishima pov
So they do like each other!!!! I knew it! High five me! I actually thought they hated each other, but bakubro can be bipolar at times. Most people don't understand his language (Tsundere vibe). Maybe some alone time will help them get going and I can grind the details out of bakubro later. Also I want to check on my Pic- I mean Pikachu again. *mentally coughs in head*

"Hey Midoriya, can I ask you something." I have the perfect plan! "Sure what is it?" Midoriya takes a seat beside Bakugou. "You should hang out with me, Bakubro, and Kami next week on Saturday! The water park will be open!" It will be more like a double date~ hehehe! "Oh...um- I-I guess I could come. Sounds like fun actually!" Midoriya nods in agreement.

"Perfect! I'm going to go check on kami! See ya!" I walk out knowing I did a manly deed today, now I get to see my picka- Kami! I get to see him. He doesn't belong to me brain! Not ye- ungh!!! I guess the battle really did do something to my brain.

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