Training Camp

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Word count: 643

The next day during the afternoon we got on the bus and headed to the training camp. We arrive an hour later to an wooden grass area. The trees were thick and tall, the flowers and plants looked very exotic. We are assigned partners to bunk with.

"Listen up, once I tell you your partner go ahead and drop your items off at the cabin and come find me by the lake to start training." Mr. Aizawa grabs a paper from his pocket and starts reading off the pairs.

"Momo and Hagakure, Kirishima and Sero, Mineta and Denki, Jiro and Ashido, Asui and Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki, Sato and Koda, Shoji and Ojiro, Aoymana and Tokoyami, Midoriya and Bakugou." He walks off with the 2 other pro heros over to the lake.

"Oh my life…" I trembled fiercely, this is going to be the worst weekend. I glance over at Bakugou standing near Kirishima. I look away seeing him look over this way. I hurriedly and got my things and rushed to find our cabin.

"Looks like he hasn't been here yet." The cabin was a decent size and contained 2 twin sets and separate bathrooms on each side. The cabin was made of a dark brown wood and with a window in between the nightstand. There were drawers underneath the beds and a lamp on our night stands. 

I place my bag on the right side and walk out the door before he could show up. I head over to the lake, but felt the same stare from the party. I walk faster, hearing a twig snap.

I break out into a sprint, the wind starts picking up. I reach the lake and see sensei and a couple of students. "Midoriya are you that excited for training?" Sero asked, "ha-hah um..yeah to get better at improving my quirk."

I don't have proof I was being followed. I better keep quiet for now.

Training lasted most of the day ending around 6:30-ish we went ahead and headed back to base camp. After having dinner and chatting we were dismissed to our cabins with a schedule for the weekend. 

Midoriya walked ahead, arriving at the cabin first. He grabs pajamas and heads into his bathroom. He puts his items down and gets naked taking a nice hot shower. After he finishes he hears running water from the other bathroom and the door is pried opened.

Midoriya gets a glimpse of Bakugou in the reflection removing his shirt. He immediately looks away, and heads to bed quietly. Late at night while both boys were sleeping, a misty fog spread throughout the entire forest. 

A girl dressed in a black hoodie and black shorts with her hair in two mickey mouse buns and two long braids coming down in front of her face, walks quietly over to the campsite. She located her target's cabin and teleported inside looking at Midoriya and Bakugou.

She walks over to Midoriya and pokes him until he wakes up. She covers his mouth not to make a sound. She teleports them outside the cabin around back and uncovers his mouth. "Hi broccoli!" She hugs him tightly and pulls back quickly. 

"W-what? Who are you?" Midoriya looks confused. "You don't remember what happened when you got captured do you? Also what's with this fog? Are they here already?" She questions herself. "Waitwaitwait! Who's here? And what happened while I was captured?! You were there?! Can you tell me what's going on." Midoriya begged desperately needing answers.

"The league of villans, like literally who else? You should keep boom boom man safe, they're after him." She calmly shoves her hands in her pockets. Part of the forest becomes on fire. Midoriya looks at the bright blue fire and turned around to find the girl gone.

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