Fabulous Freddie Facts

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Freddie Mercury

1) It is reported that Freddie once had a cat named Roger. (I wonder if he had Roger's eyes)

2) For the filming of I Want To Break Free, Freddie had planned to wear 6-inch heels but he could barely stand up in them so he had to settle for 2-inch ones.

(Haha, Freddie would have been 6ft 4in! Taller than Brian! This also reminds me of the Queen song, Stormtrooper in Stilettos.)

3) In the early 70's when they were all living together they used to buy marijuana mixed with jasmine tea and would have to separate it from the tea to get high. Back in those days, Freddie didn't go near drugs and was unaware of the whole situation when he made some tea and unsuspectingly got himself high. He felt stupid for falling for that and wanted to get back at someone. 

Apparently, one night a bunch of cops came by because the neighbours complained about excessive noise and he decided to make them some tea...

4) While on tour in Australia in the mid-70's, Freddie got angry and broke a mirror and then ordered a roadie to sweep it up. (Woahh Freddie I didn't expect that!)

5) Freddie showed up at Deaky's wedding in a white limo, dressed head-to-toe in white satin with a huge white feather boa - and a girl on each arm. (One was Mary, the other his sister Kashmira, according to Roger.)The feather boa didn't survive the ride to the reception though, and that's because someone got the bright idea to pile twenty extra people into the limo and poor Freddie would end up with some very lucky someone on his lap......(they're in the Lap of the Gods!)

6) When "A Night At The Opera" came out, Freddie was living in a flat that was very damp (their last record company stole most of the income of Queen for themselves, hence the song, Death on Two Legs).

When he came back from the band's first trip to Japan after the success of the album, Freddie was shocked to find mushrooms growing on the walls. (If you find mushrooms disgusting, then this is just you're worst nightmare. If you like mushrooms, this is still your worst nightmare.)

7) Freddie once did the weather forecast on Kenny Everett's UK radio show - and got it completely wrong. Hey, if the band hadn't worked out, he could've been a meteorologist...

8) Once, during Ibex's heyday (one of Freddie's former bands), Freddie got out of the band's bus, dressed head-to-toe white satin and a fur coat - only to find himself in the midst of a group of very sooty coal miners. He screamed, jumped back in the band's bus, and slammed the door. 

9) Back in Kensington Market, Freddie and Rog once snuck into the stall next to theirs. They decided to rearrange the mirrors in the women's dressing room, so that they had a good view of it from their own cash register! (Cheeky!)

10) According to Mick Rock (Queen's photographer and friend), Freddie's front teeth were the result of his having four too many in back that shoved the front ones forward. When Mick pointed out that it was fairly simple (if also fairly painful) to fix, Freddie told him, "Darling, I can't. I'm afraid it would affect my voice. I need the extra teeth to sing." (With his voice, could you argue with his logic?)

11) A plaque on Freddie's statue in Montreux was stolen a week after the unveiling. It was later replaced more securely. (This ain't funny it's just mean.)

12) Freddie had a fish pond in his back yard filled with huge koi carps and cried when one of the fish died. (awww, sad)

13) Freddie used to love pushing all the buttons at the same time in an elevator and would then panic like a 2 year old when the elevator started. (Is that why Queen got stuck in an elevator...?)

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