Joyous John Facts

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John Deacon

1) Veronica (John's wife) was a devoted Catholic. (Is that why they had so many kids?)

2) Not everyone in the band liked Another One Bites The Dust when John first introduced it to them, especially Roger. Freddie had to convince Rog it would be good! (Do you think John wanted to ever smack Roger?)

3) When John came out of the dressing room in his costume for "I want to break free" his daughter (who was about 5 at the time) started crying because she didn't recognize him!

4) John wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of releasing Bo Rhap as a single.

5) At a party in late 1977 John got drunk and stuck his hand through a plate glass window and needed 19 stitches in his hand. Surprisingly, he didn't miss a single show because of it!

6) The only time the rest of the Opposition (John's former band which he got involved with since he was 14) could remember seeing Deaky get the least bit freaked out over anything was after he flipped his Vespa ( a motorbike )on a turn and more or less landed on his face, getting pretty banged-up in the process. According to one of the other band members "he was a little bit shaken when he showed up." (I'll bet, poor baby)

7) When "Sheer Heart Attack" came out, everyone thought the band was making tons of money. Actually, their management company, Trident, was - the band members weren't seeing any of it. In fact, Deaky wound up begging them to loan him the money for a downpayment on a house. Trident refused. (He and Veronica had just had their first child and were still living in a one-room flat because that was all they could afford.)

8) The video of "We Will Rock You" was filmed in Roger's garden in Surrey - after it had snowed for most of the morning. Freddie had to borrow gloves while Brian and Deaky's fingers were so numb that they could barely pretend to play, although Deaky did manage to stomp on Roger's foot at one point. Roger wasn't exactly amused.

9) John was so drunk one time that when he heard Queen playing on the radio he asked who the band was.

10) Produced by Brian May, Bohemian Rhapsody is the third full song from the 'Bad News LP'. This version of Bohemian Rhapsody is obviously a humorous take-off of the Queen classic. John Deacon plays bass and sings backing vocals.

11)John was dressed like a unicorn in the Hard Life video. He did not wear the head, however.

12) John is fond of dry roasted peanuts.

13) When performing the song "Liar" in the Colston Hall in Bristol, John added some very rare backing vocals!!!

14) John sang backing vocals on the chorus of "Radio Ga Ga" during live performances.

15) John Deacon produced a single for a spoof band called "Morris Minor and the Majors" in 1987 but he was credited as "Grand Master Jelly Tot" on the single called "Stutter Rap".

16) When John first got his hair cropped, everyone said he looked like a convict, and one of the roadies called him the 'Birdman of Alcatraz'. Birdman has been his nickname ever since (as well as Deaky!) and the joke was so popular that they bought him pyjamas with little arrows on like convicts wear, and he wore it once on stage.

17) On the first queen album - Queen - the band gave credit to Deacon John!

18) I read somewhere that John got drunk one night and got caught driving. He was breathalyzed (the police had to check how much alcohol was in his breath) and banned from driving for 12 months.

19) John is the quietest member of the band, but according to Brian he can make you curl up and die with two sentences. (Sneaky Deaky)

20) John used to enjoy throwing peanuts at Brian whilst he was performing his solos on stage.

21) John Deacon plays bass on two Elton John songs ( as well as Rog on drums ). They are called, "Too Young" (I love that one!) and "Angeline".


You know that whole " Deaky loves cheese on toast " ? I was wondering if that's real or something us fans made up as we just have to associate everything with our lovable Deaky! 

Also, Deaky's my second favourite member, after Freddie, then it's Roger then Brian.

Who's your favourite, and how would you rank the others?

Enjoy the rest of the book!

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