Chapter 10: "Sure, why not?"

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Alice POV

What the hell? Did the Albus Severus Potter say he was in love with me? I turn to Calin and say, "I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you." He smirks. "I didn't know how long I would have to date you until I could have sex with you. But I just remembered I'd get beaten if I did. You didn't seriously think I would date you." He starts laughing. I just say, "Okay get out now."

He leaves then I run up to my dorm and change into Albus's sweater he gave me last year when I was cold then I changed into light blue jeans and a pair of sneakers. I'm happy Hogwarts only makes you wear robes only during the school day but after your last class you can change. I ran out of the dorms and common room. I run outside to the tree because I know that's where Albus goes when he wants to think.

I see him sitting there and I sit next to him. He looks up and I say, "Can we talk?" He glares and says, "What?"

"Albus, I'm so so sorry for everything I did. I feel horrible for being with him. I love you Albus. I guess it took me longer to realize. You are the most amazing person. You're funny, kind, and loyal. I love when you get sarcastic or when you defend yourself over jokes. I love your smile and your beautiful turquoise eyes. You mean so much to me."

Before I knew it, a pair of lips crashed into mine. I closed my eyes and kissed back. He was a great kisser. A little bit after we reluctantly pulled apart and just stared at each other. Someone then makes a coughing noise, we both look and see that it's Frank staring at us. I nervously laughed. Albus did too.

"Albus you're lucky that I like you but if you hurt her I'll kill you."

Albus nods and then Frank leaves and Albus turns to me. We then started kissing again. Albus pulled away a few moments later, like really fast so I turned and saw Rose. "Ow Rosie. You can't just kick me. You bratt." After Albus said that Rose started laughing so hard.

I smiled and waved shyly, "Hi Rose." I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.

Rose waved back and after a bit she calmed down. "Sooooooooooo...." She says while having a smirk plastered on her face.

I glare at her. It's not weird because we've known each other for forever. We're pretty close. Although the closest people I know are Rose and Albus. Scorpius to now but Rose and Albus are the closest out of the three of them to.

A moment after Albus says, "Rose you should go check on Scorp. Y'know to see if he's awake and okay." Rose's smirk turned into her grinning. "Alright I'll leave you two to you know... talk." She leaves still grinning.

Albus turned to me. I smile at him but he gives me a sad smile back. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask.

"How? I mean you are in a relationship." I give him a confused look and tilt my head. He continues, "Alice you're in a relationship and we just kissed. You also admitted that you love me. I also kissed Penny," I totally forgot about that. I hate her because she's a bitch. "We just got into some complicated shit and I can't stand the shit and drama we're about to get into already. We can't just say that we love each other, kiss and then the worlds better. That's not real life, we need to bring ourselves back to reality."

I then realized it's not that complicated, "Albus I don't know about the Penelope thing but Colin and I broke up. He's an ass." He then smiles, "I only kissed Penny because I was upset and wasn't thinking straight."

A big smile spreads across my face. He then asks, "So Alice Longbottom will you be my girlfriend?" I shrug and say, "Sure, why not?"

We both burst out laughing and then we went back to kissing.

James POV

When I went to DADA today Vic was there. I decided to wait and talk to them after class.

Class just ended so I go to Teddy's desk and wait until the whole class has left. It was the last class anyways. Fred and Molly ended up staying with me to ask. When we went up to his desk he asked, "What's up guys?"

Before we could answer Vic came out from the back and gave us a hug. I said, "Why are you here Vic? Not that we don't want you here we're just wondering." Her and Teddy look at each other with an upset look on their faces. I quickly snap at them, "What's wrong? Is everyone okay?"

"Well it's Louis." After Teddy says that my eyes go wide. What the heck could've happened to him? Louis doesn't do much to even be able to get hurt. "What happened to him?" Molls asks.

Vic answers this time and says, "Some kid beat him up so bad that he's been unconscious. We don't even know how long he'll be out for because he lost a lot of blood but he's definitely going to live."

I ran out the room to go to the hospital wing. I know I seem tough and sometimes careless but if anything and I mean anything happens to my family I will make sure they're okay and hurt whoever hurt them.

When I get to the hospital wing I see Albus with Scorpius but don't say anything and keep moving to go to Louis. I see Uncle Bill and Auntie Fleur.

I go up to them, say my greetings and then ask, "Is he okay?" Uncle Bill answers, "He should be fine but I'm so confused on why someone would beat him up. He does nothing to anyone, I know him and he wouldn't do anything purposely to start a fight or even be rude to anyone."

I nod, "I agree. The only way he would fight someone would be if they hurt someone that means something to him. But they have to say something really bad to get a punch. He always talks it out and he's kind to everyone anyways."

After a bit I leave. When walking out I see Rose and Albus talking next to Scorpius. I decide I'll ask what happened later because I want to figure out who did this. 

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