Chapter 13

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It's finally the end of the day. I ran up to Gryffindor common room. I go to my dormitory. I take off my hat and restraighten my hair with some spells. I put on some chapstick because I do everytime I go somewhere. I check the time and it's been about ten minutes so I hurry to the tree.

Once I get there I see Scorpius, he's sitting on a red plaid picnic blanket with a basket next to him. Once he sees me he stands up and comes in front of me and holds my hands.

"Rose, I told you I liked you awhile ago but we never got around to talking about it. You are the most amazing, kind, beautiful, intelligent, and bravest person I've ever met. You make my heart race and the butterflies in my stomach more hyper than I would think humanly impossible. You have eyes that I can stare into and never get bored. You're so short, but that's something I love about you, you're fun sized. Your smile brightens anyone's day. You mean so much to me. Will you Rosie be my girlfriend?"

I smile. "Yes. I will." He lets go of my hands and kisses me. He puts his arms around my waist tight and pulls me closer. I put my arms around his neck and hold myself up.

After a bit we pull apart and he has us sit down on the blanket. We eat some of the snacks he brought and just talk.

"So when are we gonna tell people?" I ask.

"Right away if you're okay with it."

"I'm fine with it but you're gonna get a lot of threats from my family. My dad will be the worst but he'll come through in the end."

We finish our food so we get up and start walking around. He puts his arm around my shoulder so I lean in next to him and rest my head on his arm because I'm too short for it to be on his shoulder. He kisses my head and we continue walking in a comfortable silence.

It starts to get cold so he gives me his jacket and we start to go back to the castle.

"You know, I'm gonna steal most of your hoodies and jackets." He just laughs while I have a huge smile on my face.

"Anything you want Babygirl."

"Thaaanksss." I then start laughing after that.

We get to the castle and right when we get inside Albus comes up to us. "Oh good you said yes." I laugh a little more.

"So you guys wanna hang out?" Scorpius asks.

"Sorry I can't, I've still got tons of homework. I can hang out tomorrow probably." I say feeling a little bit bad.

"I'm fine for tomorrow. You Scorp?" Al asks. He nods and says, "Perfect."

I give Scorpius a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Al and I do our handshake and I say goodnight and go straight to bed.

Scorpius POV

"So Dude do you wanna hang out?" I ask Albus after Rose just left us. "Yeah but I wanna tell you something and this is Me as Roses cousin, other half, practically her twin and not your best friend." I nod already knowing what he's going to do. "You break her heart I swear I'll hex you into next week, then avada you 50 times."

"Yup. Ok now go back to being my best friend and let's play some wizards chess in the common room."

We head down to the dungeons and say the password 'Boggart' and head into the common room. We sit down and Albus sets the game up.

After we play for a while we do our homework. When we're doing our homework there's a knock on the door which is very weird. Both Al and I go and answer it. It was Rosie. "Oh my god Rose you scared us." Albus says.

She gives us a confused look and says, "Why would that be scary? I mean if it was someone bad I'm sure they wouldn't knock." We give her a sheepish smile. She gives a smile then asks, "So what are you guys doing? I finished my homework so I've been bored."

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