Chapter Thirteen

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"A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart." -Unknown

Another bad dream for the a millionth night in a row. I was standing outside of my friend's house, and it was burning down. Someone had set it on fire.

Good news--Sofia's family couldn't move because of the pandemic, so she can stay at our school for seventh grade! So Jacob and Sofia are staying!

However, I have this weird feeling inside. Someone is telling me that they are only staying at the school so something worse will happen. I really hope that isn't true, because I want a drama-free seventh grade, nothing like sixth.


I was in desperate need of knowing how my friends were doing. Were they doing well? Terrible? I looked for signs that they were alright. I couldn't seem to find any.

More bad dreams. I was trapped in a hotel with Issy, Emily and Liz. Emily and Liz were my friends outside of school. There was an evil spirit that took over Liz, and we had to fight it. We lost.

I also had a dream where I went swimming with Issy and her younger sister, Ella. Ella drowned. I tried to save her but...I couldn't. I tried, but maybe not hard enough.

All of my dreams... maybe it means something. Maybe it's a sign. Maybe it's telling me something...


I know that some people are going to think people who commit suicide are weak. I'm sure they think they're wimps. That they aren't strong. That they're weaklings. But they're not. They're just tired of holding on...


One thing I've learned over the eleven years of my life is that you are going to feel like the world is against you. But it's not true. You are going to feel like you're all alone without a friend in the world. But you're not. It's no one's fault. It's just life.


I noticed this year has just gone all wrong. 2020 is a complete disaster. All these killings, plane crashes, racism, pandemic, tornados. I wish the world was a place where none of this would happen. But I know it will never happen.

If it were Christmas right now, I wouldn't ask for the usual things kids ask for. "This video game!" or "This cell phone!" or "This toy!" Always with the "get me this, give me that, buy me these." If I had to ask for something, it would be for the world to be a perfect place where everyone is happy.

BUt I can only imagine that.


School ended, and summer came. And I just hoped with all of my might that everything will be okay...

At my school, fifth grade is a part of middle school. It's weird. For most schools, middle school or JUnior HIgh starts at sixth grade or seventh grade. It's a weird thing that my school made fifth grade part of middle school.

All middle school books talk about how middle school sucks. But when I went to fifth grade, it was amazing. I expected it to be trash. But I loved it. I guess that's because all the fifth graders are in a different building in the middle school campus, and we weren't technically in middle school.

Now I understand. It went all downhill from the start of sixth grade. Middle school IS horrible. Nothing was going to be the same. It was all going to be different. And yet my best friends stuck with each other until the end.

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