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[Jimin's PoV]

"Shit! I'm late again."

I closed the front door of the house and started to head to school. I just walked and didn't bother running since i'm already late, i can't do anything about it.


As i got to the room, the class was noisy so i was assuming there aren't any teachers. I opened the door and the noise stopped, as soon as i walked in.

"You're late Park. You're lucky the teachers are having a meeting but.. I'm still gonna tell Mrs. Kang about this."

Ches, our class President stated and crossed her arms. I apologized silently and walked to the backseat where my seat is located.

I could feel glares from my classmates as i took a sit. All i could hear are whispers making me let out a sigh and rest my head down my desk.

I'm in Class F, the lowest section. I'm not that dumb to be in here, it's just i couldn't afford the extra things when you're in the higher Classes.

I'm also close to Mrs. Kang, our teacher. She knows i have the potential of being in Class A. My classmates think that i'm being such a "teacher's pet" for being active in class and being close to teachers.. that's why they hate me. I know, that's dumb


I sat silently at Mrs. Kang's office, waiting for her. As Ches promised, she told Mrs. Kang that i was late. The door opened making me look up and see Mrs. Kang.

"Hi Mrs. Kang" I stood up and bowed. "Hello Jimin. Ches told me that you were late." Mrs. Kang smiled and sat on her chair. I sat down too and handed her the papers she made me check.

"Yes, Mrs. Kang hehe. I stayed up late to finish these papers you made me check. You told me you needed it ASAP, so i finished it immediately."

Mrs. Kang smiled widely and ruffled my hair.

"You didn't have to finish it all in one night! Thank you so much Jimin."

I smiled and took my bag. I was about to head out when the door suddenly opened. There stood, Mrs. Jeon - Class A's adviser. My eyes widen in shock. I immediately bowed and moved to the side.

"Oh, Park. You're here." Mrs. Jeon smiled and patted my shoulder. "Hi Mrs. Jeon." I bowed once again and went out of the office. As i was about to walk away, i heard them talking about.. babysitting?

I know it's rude to listen to other's conversation but.. i stayed.

[What the hell am i doing?]

"I don't know. My husband and i are too busy these days and we couldn't just leave Junghyun with someone."

"Why don't you try looking for a professional babysitter then? Or Jungkook is there to take care of his younger brother though."

[Jungkook? I think i heard that name before] I thought.

"Anyway, i'll just look for someone. I gotta go."

I panicked and went running at the hallway. [Babysitting.. that means you'll get paid, right?] I thought while not being focus on my way and accidentally bumping into someone.


I fell down because of the impact, hearing laughter around me. I rubbed my forehead before standing up and looking at the person i bumped.

Our eyes met..

He has this cold stare at me, sending chills down my spine. His face was pretty serious but he looks like around my age. I looked at his i.d lace and realized it was red - meaning he's from Class A.

"I'm s-sorry.. i wasn't looking and i bumped into you.." I immediately bowed and apologized before looking up to meet the cold stare from the black-haired male once again.

"Hmm.. purple i.d lace.. student of Class F.. i'm not surprised." The black-haired male stated with his cold-ass voice before walking away, bumping my shoulders. I nearly lost my balance since my body is obviously smaller than his.

(their i.d lace is rainbow color coded. Red is for Class A and so on..~)

I turned to look at him, a frown forming on my face. [What's wrong of being a Class F student?] I thought as i noticed some girls, staring at them with loving eyes. I sighed deeply and continued to walk away.

"Every student in higher classes have a trashy attitude.. tsk.."

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