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Another school day passes and Jungkook once again waits outside Class F for Jimin. Leaning on the wall while using his phone, not minding anyone and keeping his cold aura until Jimin arrives.

For the second time, Jungkook and Jimin walks out of the school together, making their way to the Jeon's place.

The car wasn't quiet and awkward like the first one. The two freely tells eachother things that happened on their day at school - sharing smiles and laughter.


"Hyun-ah? It's Min hyung."

Jimin smiled as he made his way upstairs, where Mr. Jeon left Junghyun. There, Junghyun sat as he was having a snack. The brown-haired male made his way towards the young one, sitting down beside him.

"You're having a snack again, we didn't even started your homework~"

Jimin teased the little one while giggling. "Let's do homework then play after, Min hyung!" Junghyun blurted out while setting his snack aside. Jimin watched as Junghyun ran to his room to take his homework and a pencil and back to his babysitter.

"Okay Hyun-ah. Let's be quick then, so we'll have longer time to play, yeah?"

Junghyun nodded and started to do his homework with Jimin's help.


Junghyun finished his homework quickly, so the two made their way out in the backyard to play longer than yesterday.

As they were busy playing around, Jimin heard noises from inside the house, making him look at the direction. It sounded like laughter and some people talking.

Jimin looked at the time and saw that it was 5:45 pm and thought it was early for Mrs. Jeon or Mr. Jeon to be home.

"Min hyung~"

The brown-haired male shrugged his thoughts and looking towards the soft voice. Hyun was holding his hand while pointing inside the house.

"Oh, you want to go inside already?~"

Jimin crouched to the young one's height, wiping the sweat from face. Hyun nodded and spread his arms, wanting to be carried by his babysitter. The brown-haired male couldn't help but giggle and carry Hyun, making their way inside the house.

Jimin realized that Jungkook invited two of his friends, that's why he heard laughter earlier. As Jimin and Hyun entered the house from the backdoor, Jungkook and his friends turned to look at the two.

"Hobi hyung! Yoongi hyung!"

Junghyun exclaimed as he ran towards Jungkook's friends, giving them a hug. Jimin bowed and just stood still, playing with his fingers.

"Oh, Jimin-ah. Come here."

Jungkook patted the space beside him, making Jimin walk towards him and sitting beside him.

"Jimin, this is Hoseok and Yoongi. They're my friends from Class A.. and yes, they're a couple."

Jungkook mumbled the last part but enough for Jimin to hear.

"Guys, this is Jimin my.. friend."

Jimin bit his lips and was confused why he felt sad after Jungkook introduced him as his 'friend'. The brown-haired male shrugged his thoughts and flashed the couple a smile.

"Hi, i'm Min Yoongi. I'm pale."

Jimin let out a giggle at how Yoongi introduced himself, quickly covering his mouth while showing them his eyesmile. Jungkook was staring at Jimin the whole time, without the younger noticing.

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