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"W-What are you saying?"

Jimin asked and tried getting out of Jungkook's grip.

"Don't play innocent, Jimin."

"I'm s-seriously gonna hit you if you don't-"

"Min hyung!"

Jimin's sentence was interrupted by Junghyun's voice from the hallway. Jungkook immediately let go of the smaller's wrist and watch as he walked to the door.

"I found you! Where did you hide hyung?"

"Oh.. just somewhere, Hyunnie."

Jimin giggled and carried Junghyun in his arms. Jungkook just looked at them with a smile on his face. He didn't expected that he and Jimin will be close in short ammount of time.

"Still want to play, Hyunnie?"

"I want cereal~"

The little one whined and wrapped his arms around his babysitter. Jimin giggled and made his way downstairs while carrying Junghyun.

Jungkook stayed in the study room, still thinking about how flustered and blushy Jimin was. He looked adorable to the older's eyes.


After Jimin made cereal for him and Hyunnie, they went upstairs to watch some cartoons. As the two were focused on the television, Jungkook also made his way towards them. He sat on the couch while holding a bowl of cereal on his hand.

Jimin was sitting on the carpet with Junghyun, so he looked up behind him to see Jungkook, smiling.

The brown-haired male remembered what happened earlier and secretly sat beside the black-haired male without Hyun noticing since he was too focused on watching.

"Yah, what was that for?"

"What is it?"

Jimin looked at Jungkook and pouted. "About earlier? What's with the question you asked?" The younger talked in pout, making the older's heart flutter once again.

"Well, you're the first one to see me shirtless. Did you enjoyed it?"

Jungkook started to eat cereal, his gaze not leaving Jimin. The younger's cheeks started to heat up so he slapped the older's thighs playfully and turned away shyly.


"Min hyung, i'm sleepy."

Junghyun yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Let's go to bed, Hyunnie." Jimin smiled and carried Hyun to his room. As the brown-haired male laid the little one on the bed, gently he realized that Junghyun is already asleep.

"Mrs. Jeon was right.." Jimin giggled silently and tucked Junghyun to bed before turning off the lights and heading to the study room.

It was still 7:15 pm, so Jimin still has some time to do his schoolworks before going back home.



Jimin stretched and leaned back on the chair. He finished his schoolworks, just in time. He glanced at the wall clock and realized it was already 8:00 pm.

As Jimin was busy packing his things, the front door opened and Mrs. Jeon walked inside.


Jimin heard the voice and grabbed his bag and walked downstairs. He saw Jungkook and Mrs. Jeon and bowed.

"Ahh~ Jimin. You're heading home, right?"

"Yes Mrs. Jeon. Junghyun is already sleeping."

Jimin smiled and watched as Mrs. Jeon turned to Jungkook. They were talking silently so Jimin didn't heard anything. The brown-haired male just watched as Jungkook head outside.

"Anyway, here Jimin."

Mrs. Jeon handed Jimin a brown envelope, with cash inside for Jimin's first day of babysitting. Jimin smiled and bowed before taking the envelope.

"Thank you, Mrs. Jeon."

"It's fine, Jimin. Now, go outside and Jungkook will drive you home, yeah?"

"But Mrs. Jeon-"

"Aigo~ Jungkook doesn't mind. Besides, it's already dark outside. It'll be dangerous if you'll wait for a bus alone."

"Thank you, Mrs. Jeon."

Jimin bowed once again and head outside. Jungkook was waiting inside the car, making Jimin smile.

"I'll be alone with him again.."

The brown-haired male mumbled to himself before riding the car.


"Finally.. we're here."

The two shared a giggle before looking at eachother. After getting lost for taking wrong turns a couple of times, they finally arrived infront of Jimin's place.

"Thank you so much for the ride, Jungkook."

"It's fine. I'll drive you home from now on."

"You can tell Mrs. Jeon that.. i'll be fine if i'll just wait for a bus. Driving me from school then to my home is too much."

Jungkook smiled and shook his head.

"No. I'll drive you home from now on. It's not a big deal."

Jimin blushed and nodded. The older couldn't help but reach to ruffle the younger's brown locks.

"Go now, Jimin. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Jungkookie."

Jimin flashed his eyesmile and stepped out of the car. Jungkook watched as Jimin walked to his front door and went inside his house.

Jungkook let out a sigh and placed his hand on his chest. The black-haired male knew he lowkey likes the brown-haired male. Jimin made him smile, his heart flutter and melt.. it was the first time Jungkook felt these feelings.

"Damn.. i'm in love.."

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