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Jungkook and Jimin sat on the couch in silence. Neither wanted to speak or start a conversation. Mrs. Jeon went upstairs to bathe Junghyun and left the two male to get to know eachother. After a few moments, Jimin finally had the courage to speak.

"Umm.. hi.."

Jimin looked at the black-haired male and met the same cold stare from yesterday. He looked down and played with his fingers.

"I'm Park Jimin.. from Class F and the one who bumped you yesterday. I'm gonna babysit Junghyun-"

"Just for today?"

Jungkook interrupted Jimin's sentence, making the brown-haired male make eye-contact. Jimin shook his head. "I'll babysit every Monday to Saturday at 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm."

"Oh, so after class.. you're gonna spend your time here?"

"Yes.. exactly."

Jungkook let out a sigh, keeping his cold aura.

"Jeon Jungkook."

"That's a nice name."

Jimin flashed a shy smile that made Jungkook's heart flutter and melt immediately. His heart was racing just by seeing the smaller's smile. The taller immediately shook his thoughts away and didn't bothered answering when he heard his mom and brother going downstairs.

"Ahh~ sorry to keep you waiting, Jimin. Anyway, do you guys know eachother now?" Mrs. Jeon asked and carried Junghyun.

"Yes Eomma. I'll leave you guys now."

Jungkook stated and walked to his room. He felt the urge to leave the room immediately - his heart still racing because of the smaller's smile. Jungkook closed the door of his room and leaned back on the wall. He placed his hand on his chest and started to calm himself.

"What is he doing to me.. why did my heart fluttered just by seeing his shy smile..?"

Jungkook mumbled to himself and dropped his body on the bed. He sighed and thought that it was nothing. He brushed the thought aside and slowly drifted to sleep.

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