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Jungkook was still in the kitchen, hesitating if he'll leave or stay to listen to their conversation. He was still confused why the stranger was here and wanted to know the brown-haired male more.. but he didn't want to ask him multiple questions and look like a desperate bunny.

Meanwhile, Jimin was looking around the living room while waiting for Mrs. Jeon, who went to get something. She finally came back with a pen and notebook and sat down across Jimin.

"Shall we start with the questions?"

Jimin nodded silently, a tiny smile not leaving his face.

"So Jimin, tell me something about yourself. Since i'm only your subject teacher, i don't know much about you."

"My birthname is Park Jimin. I'm 17 years old and my birthday is on October 13. I heard that when you babysit they'll pay you.. that's why i'm here, Mrs. Jeon. I need money for my studies.. umm.. there's a bigger possibility of me, graduating when i'm on a higher class and i badly want to be part of the Dance Club."

Jimin smiled and played with his fingers nervously. Mrs. Jeon flashed a smile and thought of something before asking a question.

"Mhmm.. does your parents work, Jimin?" Mrs. Jeon asked innocently, not knowing anything about Jimin's family. Jimin's smile slowly faded, just by hearing the question.

"Umm.. my parents died when i was 12 years old.. Mrs. Jeon." Jimin stated with a smile but sadness can be heard from his voice.

Mrs. Jeon's eyes widen, not expecting the answer. She felt guilty and took Jimin's hands, trying to comfort him. The brown-haired male's hands were tiny and soft.. as if he haven't done any work.

"I'm so sorry for asking Jimin... i didn't know."

Mrs. Jeon apologized for her mistake, watching as Jimin flashed a smile, to not make her worry anymore. Mrs. Jeon smiled.. "You're so brave and cheerful on the outside, Jimin.. maybe that's why i didn't know. Your parents raised you well."

"T-Thank you, Mrs. Jeon."

"Anyway, have you tried babysitting before Jimin?" Mrs. Jeon asked, trying to change the subject for Jimin.

"Oh.. when i was 14 years old Mrs. Jeon. It's not actually babysitting.. i only took care of my friend's baby cousin.. since her parents went to a business trip."

"I think i heard enough, Jimin. So.. i'll start telling you informations about Junghyun."

Jimin nodded and focused on Mrs. Jeon, still not noticing Jungkook, who was still in the kitchen. He was leaning on a wall, sipping banana milk and heard everything. He felt bad for judging Jimin.. and wanted to apologize.. but doesn't know how and when.

"Junghyun is 4 years old.. he's currently home-schooling and i'm the one teaching him. Whenever i give him homework, i'll let his older brother check it then he'll give it to me. Junghyun is a sweet and nice kid. When he knows he did something wrong, he'll apologize. When you tell him no sweets before bedtime, he won't sulk or do anything that'll make you feel guilty. He's a bit playful though. Likes playing whenever he finished his homework, likes to ask if he can go in the park to play.."

Mrs. Jeon paused and looked at Jimin, who was listening attentively.

"For his sleeping habits.. he falls asleep fast, especially when he's tired. So, you won't have problems with that. He likes to drink banana milk, like his older brother."

Jimin giggled and found it cute. While the Jeons are addicted to banana milk, he was addicted to strawberry milk. He couldn't live without it.

"Anyway, Mr. Jeon leaves at 4:00 pm to drive to work.. so you can start babysitting Junghyun at 4:00 pm since class ends at 3:00 pm. You can babysit him from Monday to Saturday, you'll have a free day for yourself at Sunday."

Mrs. Jeon smiled and played with her pen. Jimin just realized that Mrs. Jeon was already telling him about his babysitting times.

"Am i officially gonna babysit Junghyun, Mrs. Jeon?"

Jimin asked successfully without stuttering. Mrs. Jeon nodded and received a tight hug from Jimin, who felt so happy.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Jeon! I promise i will be a good babysitter!" Jimin stated while backing away with a wide smile, his eyes disappearing.

"You're welcome, Jimin. But please don't drain all your energy at babysitting Junghyun. You still have schoolworks, hm?"

"Yes Mrs. Jeon."

"Good. So, you'll start babysitting at 4:00 pm and since Junghyun usually sleeps at 7:30 pm.. you can head home at 8:00 pm, okay? Don't worry, about your payment.. i'll give it to you whenever you head home."

Jimin only nodded, a wide smile not leaving his face. Mrs. Jeon chuckled and stood up.

"Let's go upstairs, hm? You also need to know the rooms."

Mrs. Jeon headed upstairs, Jimin following behind her. When they reached upstairs, Jimin saw a mini living room upstairs. It has a flat-screen TV and a couch with a tiny table. The whole second floor was covered in gray carpet.

"So, here on the right side.. at the end of the hall is the master's bedroom, where my husband and i sleeps. Across is Junghyun's room then two office here. Mr. Jeon's and mine.." Mrs. Jeon smiled and looked at Jimin, who just nodded.

"Here, on the left side is Jungkook's room.. then the study room across it, where you can study also. Jungkook also practices dancing on the study room, so.. yeah. Then a bathroom here."

Jimin nodded and smiled. Mrs. Jeon found it adorable that Jimin wad listening attentively and ruffled Jimin's brown locks.

"Anyway, let's go downstairs and let you meet Jungkook."

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