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The bell rang, signalling that class already ended. Jimin packed his bags, the conversation from his teachers earlier not leaving his head. He wanted to ask Mrs. Kang about it but didn't want to look like a creep since he just listened to their conversation.

The class immediately went empty, Jimin and Mrs. Kang were the only ones in the room. Jimin finally approached his teacher, still hesitating.

"Oh Jimin. Why're you still here? Is something wrong?"

Mrs. Kang treated Jimin like his own son, knowing that Jimin's parents died when he was 12 years old.

"Umm.. Mrs. Kang? I didn't mean to listen to your conversation with Mrs. Jeon earlier but.. i heard that you two are talking about babysitting?"

Mrs. Kang turned to look at Jimin with a slight smile. He thought she was gonna scold him for listening so Jimin apologized silently.

"Yes.. Mrs. Jeon is looking for someone to babysit her little one. You know, Mr and Mrs. Jeon are very busy these days. Mrs. Jeon is spending most of her time here and Mr. Jeon is busy managing their company.."

Mrs. Kang paused and looked at Jimin, who just nodded.

"Why did you asked Jimin?"

"Umm.. can i talk to Mrs. Jeon about it Mrs. Kang?"

"Ofcourse you can. Just go to her office, hm? Just beside Class A."

Jimin nodded and bowed before heading to Mrs. Jeon's office. He had been there once but he was still nervous whenever meeting Mrs. Jeon alone.

Jimin reached Mrs. Jeon's office and took a deep breath before knocking and going inside. Mrs. Jeon was there, working on some papers - as usual.

Mrs. Jeon gazed at the door and found Jimin standing there silently. She flashed a smile and stopped what she was doing.

"Oh Jimin. Why're you here? Do you need anything?"

"Umm.. hi Mrs. Jeon."

Jimin bowed and closed the door before taking a sit infront of Mrs. Jeon's desk.

"I heard you and Mrs. Kang talking to eachother earlier about.. babysitting and i asked Mrs. Kang about it. She told me you needed someone to babysit your little one? I'm sorry for listening Mrs. Jeon."

Mrs. Jeon smiled and nodded.

"Yeah.. my husband and i are pretty busy these days. I'm looking for someone to babysit Junghyun."

"Umm.. maybe i can do it, Mrs. Jeon?"

"Oh.. are you sure Jimin? How about your school works?"

"It's fine Mrs. Jeon. I can handle it, i promise~"

Mrs. Jeon flashed a smile, she couldn't believe Jimin offered to babysit her little one despite all the school works.

"Since it's weekend tomorrow, i hope we can talk about this more in our house. Here's the address, Jimin. Take care, okay?"

"R-Really Mrs. Jeon? I promise i'll arrive tomorrow~ Thank you Mrs. Jeon."

Jimin stood up and bowed repeatedly - a wide smile not leaving his face. Mrs. Jeon stood up and bowed too before ruffling Jimin's brown locks.

Jimin then walked out of Mrs. Jeon's office with a wide smile and started to head back home.


On the other hand, the black-haired male slowed down on his tracks as he saw the same student who bumped into him, head out of his mother's office.

A frown formed on his face, as he watched the happy student walk away.

"What is that Class F student doing in Eomma's office?"

Mrs. Jeon's oldest son, Jungkook, mumbled to himself before finally walking to his mother's office.

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