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The next day, Jimin woke up early and took his time to get ready. Mrs. Jeon told him to come around 4:00 pm.

He was excited but nervous at the same time since it was his first time babysitting someone's little one.

Jimin finally left and took the bus at around 3:00 pm. The address was a bit far from his place so he left early.


At 3:45 pm, he finally reached the street, that was written on the tiny piece of paper. Jimin walked on the sidewalk while looking around the huge and expensive-looking houses around him. [Probably from rich families..] Jimin thought.

Jimin finally reached the address- the Jeons' house to be exact. You couldn't see the whole house from the outside because of the high, black-colored walls that surrounds the lot.

Jimin tiptoed and peeked from the gray-colored gate and saw the house. It's walls were peach-colored and it looked huge and expensive, just like the other houses from the street.

The brown-haired male pressed the doorbell, hoping someone would answer as he waited patiently.

While Jimin was busy pressing the doorbell and waiting for someone to answer, he didn't noticed the black car approaching the house.

Jungkook, who was driving the black car slowed down as he saw a tiny figure infront of their gate.

"Abeoji, there's a tiny guy infront of the gates.."

Jungkook called out to his father, who immediately gazed at the tiny guy - Jimin.

"Mhmm.. drive closer so we can ask what he needs, Jungkook."

Jungkook obliged and started to drive closer to their house. Mrs. Jeon - who was watching Junghyun to sleep, looked at the person infront of the gates and immediately recognized who he was.

"Oh, i know him.. he's my student from Class F. I made him come here."

Mrs. Jeon stated before stepping out of the car and approaching Jimin. The brown-haired male was just staring at the gates before feeling someone tap his shoulders. He turned around to see Mrs. Jeon and a black car behind her.

"Oh.. Mrs. Jeon."

Jimin immediately bowed and flashed a smile.

"Well, you came. I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Jimin. Let's go inside, shall we?"

Mrs. Jeon walked inside as Jimin followed beside her. The house was huge, as Jimin expected. There was a garden full of pretty flowers which made Jimin smile.

As the two made their way to the front door, the gates opened, letting Jungkook drive the car to their garage. He recognized the brown-haired male and couldn't believe that he was here.

"What the hell is he doing here?"

Jungkook mumbled but enough for his father to hear. Mr. Jeon looked at his oldest son and saw a frown on his face.

"What's wrong, Jungkook?"

"Abeoji.. that guy.. i know him. He's a student from Class F who bumped into me. I also saw him went out of Eomma's office yesterday.. probably they talked about something, that's why he's here." Jungkook stated, obviously annoyed about the stranger's presence.

Mr. Jeon chuckled and patted Jungkook's shoulder.

"You don't actually know him, Jungkook. You just laid eyes on him and saw that he's a Class F student when he bumped into you. He seems like a very sweet and nice boy. He doesn't look like he'll cause any harm to any of us and besides.. your mother likes him. Remember, your Eomma doesn't let anyone in the house easily."

Jungkook listened to his father and just let out a sigh. Maybe he was just over-reacting. Maybe he just hated the brown-haired male for being a Class F student. His father was right.. he only laid eyes on the student and don't actually know him yet.

"Sorry Abeoji.."

"It's fine and calm down, hm? Your mom knows what she's doing. Show the student your bunny smile, you look so scary, Jungkook."

Mr. Jeon laughed and went out of the car to carry Junghyun, who was sleeping on the backseat. Jungkook smiled and went out of the car. He opened the trunk to get the bags of groceries. After that, he locked the car and followed his father inside the house.


"Take a seat, Jimin. I'll go get you something to drink."

"Oh, Mrs. Jeon.. it's fine. I brought my own."

Jimin smiled before sitting down on the white, leather couch. Mrs. Jeon sat down as well.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Mrs. Jeon."

"So, before i officially let you babysit Junghyun.. i need to ask some questions. Is that alright?"

"Ofcourse Mrs. Jeon."

Jimin flashed a smile, his gaze was focused on Mrs. Jeon, not noticing Jungkook - who made his way in the kitchen.

Jungkook placed the groceries on the counter and looked back to see the brown-haired male and Mrs. Jeon talking.

"I wonder what he's doing here.."

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