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It was another Monday morning and Jimin went to school, still sleepy. He made his way to Mrs. Jeon's office to take the papers she made him check.

"Mrs. Jeon?"

Jimin peeked inside the office after knocking and saw Mrs. Jeon sitting on her chair. She looked up to see Jimin and flashed a smile. "Oh, come in."

Mrs. Jeon watched as Jimin went inside the room and closed the door behind him. She couldn't help but smile after remembering about Jungkook's confession yesterday.

Jimin smiled and placed the papers on Mrs. Jeon's desk before sitting down. "I finished checking the papers you made me checked, Mrs. Jeon."

"Thank you, Jimin.. but you look like you didn't slept well."

Jimin smiled shyly and nodded. He kept his head low as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. Mrs. Jeon reached to ruffle the student's hair and giggling after.

"You need to rest, Jimin."

"I know, Mrs. Jeon~"

Mrs. Jeon smiled and remembered something.

"Oh! Since you're already here, i have a good news for you."

Jimin tilted his head. "What is it, Mrs. Jeon?"

"So, your teachers talked about moving you to Class A since your performance in Class F is very outstanding. We all agreed on moving you to Class A. After our talk, you can head to Class A."

Jimin's eyes widen as a wide smile crept on his face. "T-Thank you so much, Mrs. Jeon." Jimin stood up and bowed, still has the wide smile despite being sleepy.

"You're welcome, Jimin. Oh, since we have a meeting, Jungkook will be the one handling you while i'm not there."

Mrs. Jeon smiled and watched as the brown-haired male nodded and made his way out of the room.


"I'm nervous and sleepy.."

Jimin murmured to himself as he made his way to Class A. He tiptoed to look inside and saw that the room was still empty.. or is it..?

The brown-haired male pushed the door and walked inside. As Jimin turned around, he let out a scream after realizing that Jungkook was standing infront of him. The taller held in a laugh after he watched the smaller's face turn red.

"I'm s-sorry.."

Jimin apologized and kept his head down. Jungkook whispered an 'it's fine' softly and smiled.

"Mrs. Jeon told me to come here and-"

"Yes. The whole class knows that you'll be moving here. Mrs. Jeon announced it last friday. In fact, you already have a seat.. right there."

Jimin looked towards the desk, Jungkook pointed at and nodded.

"It's beside mine."

Jungkook showed off his bunny smile while Jimin was looking up at him shyly. Before the younger can even make his way to his desk, the older grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"Jimin-ah.. please stop avoiding me."

"You won't understand, Kook."

"I do. Is this the reason?"

Jungkook showed Jimin the long message, making the brown-haired male's eyes widen. He snatched the phone from the black-haired male, looking at the long message he typed last Tuesday night.


"You sent it to me by accident.. i guess."

Jimin's face grew red due to being embarrassed as he kept his head down. He let out a deep sigh before speaking.

"I'm sorry for ignoring and avoiding you. I just thought that it's weird that i already like you and we just met few days ago. Wait.. i don't know if i like you but-"

"I like you too."

Jungkook successfully confessed while having a straight expression on his face while staring at the smaller. Jimin's eyes widen once again as he looked up to meet Jungkook's gaze.

Jungkook realized he just confessed that way and not the way he practiced the whole night yesterday. He smiled shyly and scratched the back of his neck.

It was silent for a few minutes, until Jungkook decided to speak..

"I actually liked you since we were young."

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