Chapter 1

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Winona's legs trembled as she passed the threshold with two hot coffees in her hands. Her purse, slung over one shoulder was slowly slipping away, and her stilettos were digging into the soles of her feet. She wasn't sure how she'd make it to the top floor to meet her new boss, but she would try. She pushed the elevator button with her elbow and took a deep breath, attempting to compose herself in case anyone appeared behind the large metal doors. When the elevator arrived on her floor, however, she was pleasantly surprised to find it empty. She stepped on and selected the uppermost level where the Emerson Freedom Organization operated.

Once she had reached her destination, she followed the classical music track playing from an overhead speaker. It took her to the reception desk where a slender, fit and well groomed man was sitting in front of a laptop, typing roughly on the keys.

"Welcome to EFO where we bring justice right to you," he said without looking at Winona. He had sounded so monotone and uninterested that she wasn't convinced she had walked into the right building.

"Is this the Emerson Freedom Organization?" she asked him, looking over his name tag. It read 'Douglas.'

He briefly glanced at her over his glasses and raised a brow. "Yes, ma'am. The name is on the door. What can I do for you today?"

"I'm the new assistant for Mrs. Emerson," she told him.

"It's just Ms. Valentine," Queen corrected, appearing in front of the woman. She offered her a smile and extended a hand to Winona, but with her protruding belly, she couldn't reach far enough so she opted for a coffee cup instead. "You brought coffee. Well done, Ms. Kingston."

"It is such a privilege to finally meet you in person, Ms. Valentine," Winona said, following Queen past the reception desk. "And don't worry. I made sure to order decaf for you."

"Please, call me Queen," she requested of the woman. She pushed a door opened, taking Winona inside an enclosed conference room. "Have a seat."

Winona took an empty chair at the table and set her coffee in front of her. Queen's presence was slightly intimidating, but Winona had never felt more empowered by another human's energy, especially another woman's.

"Kyrie told me a little bit about you already, and we were both impressed with your work history. Tell me, why did you leave your last position as a"—Queen looked down at the resume in her lap and read over the words—"legal secretary?"

Winona swallowed hard. She had already answered the question for Kyrie, but it was difficult stringing the right words along a second time. She wasn't sure why. She had already landed the job. "My previous role couldn't serve my long term career goals. I want equity for all, and I can achieve that here."

Queen nodded approvingly. "I like that. Here at the Emerson Freedom Organization, you will be dealing with some emotionally heavy stuff, especially in my absence. Can you handle that?"

"You'll be gone?" Winona asked, raising her brows in concern.

"You weren't aware?" Queen gestured to her evidently large belly and laid a hand over it. "I'm due any day now. As the assistant director, you'll have to step up. I know it's a lot to ask, but I trust that you'll do great."

"I had the impression that I was your assistant."

"Winona, you double majored in pre-law and sociology of law, which does not equate assistant," Queen explained, shaking her head at the woman in dismay. "You're the Assistant Director of Operations, and if the title concerns you, don't worry. Kyrie has an excellent team to train you."

Winona seemed unconvinced but she forced a smile to her face anyway. "In that case, I'm ready to get to work."

"Great," Queen said, offering her a smile. "Immanuel will be in shortly with the paperwork. Someone from IT will come by to get you set up in our system once you're finished."

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