Jedi Confession

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A/N Damn, I'm so focused on my next gen boys that I TOTALLY forgot the OTHER ship! DX

Gia: You mean 'Obikin'?

Me: Yep

Gia: Who's bottom?

Me: :D You know who it is~

Gia: ... right...


The Jedi Masters gathered around the Council Chambers, muttering and arguing with one another. Anakin, Ahsoka and Elvis stood in the middle of the room and watched them bicker, with the young Togruta looking away from her master while the Knight was trembling and distracting himself with the view of Coruscant from the glass window.

Elvis, who had a bandage around his head because of a certain hole that could lead to external bleeding again, didn't focus on the masters. He focused on the Jedi Knight and frowned at how nervous he was then he turned to the younger version of his aunt and had to suppress a growl.

'I hate this.' he thought. 'Argh, now I know what mom means by "unnecessary tension and drama" and that I should stay away from it. Ugh...'

"Everyone, SILENCE!" Mace bellowed, causing the argument to stop and causing everyone to stare at him in shock.

The room quieted down into immediate silence and discomfort echoing through the room. Elvis was not phased and had his arms folded as he stared at his great-great-grandmaster with a blank expression. The dark-skinned Jedi ignored his gaze and turned to Yoda with a nod.

"Argue about this, we must not," the Grandmaster Jedi spoke, standing up. "Useless, it is, to argue. Rescue Senator Amidala first, we must,"

"The senator's kidnapping is all over the news already," Obi-Wan informed, taking out his data-pad to show what the media had posted. "It's still not set that the kidnapper truly is Darth Kameon or any other Sith, even with Threepio as a witness. We would need to investigate,"

"We must also be on guard," Luminara told them. "As Lord Sidious, Chancellor Palpatine will be taking an advantage to the situation at-hand, most likely demanding more emergency powers to 'protect' the members of the Senate,"

"Agree with you, I do, Master Unduli," Yoda nodded. "Master Windu, accompany Master Kenobi, Knight Skywalker and Padawan Tano on the investigation, you will. Master Unduli, Master Fisto And Master Ti, join me to face the Chancellor, you will. Be on guard, you all must. Dismissed, this meeting is,"

"Master Yoda," Elvis stepped forward. "I accompany the investigation team,"

It wasn't a question, and it wasn't a suggestion or an offering. It was an insist, and the Jedi Masters knew that. Yoda did not try to argue and simply gave a nod of response.

"Alright, Padawan Elvis," He said. "Join them, you will, but stay close to them, you must,"

"M'kay..." Elvis shrugged, crossing his fingers behind his back. (Definitely NOT going to stay with them XD)


Anakin shifted uncomfortably beside his Padawan, who hadn't talked to him ever since his confession. They stood in front of the clone barracks with Mace, Elvis and Obi-Wan, waiting for Rex, Cody and a number of clone troopers from both the 501st and the 212th battalions.

Elvis watched the Knight and his Padawan with irritation. His eyes fell on Obi-Wan, who seemed worried for the silence that fell upon the duo. He planned to speak up about it when he felt Mace's eyes on him, observing him and analyzing him.

'Sith spit.' He let out a sharp hiss and immediately elbowed the dark-skinned master by the stomach.

"Ack!" Mace jerked back in pain. "Why you little—"

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