Battle To The Light

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A/N Almost done, almost done!

Gia: Warning: Gore and drama. Also lack of character from some of the characters.

Me: HEY!

Gia: What? It's true. Kinda the first time you wrote something like this...

Me: Whatever...

Gia: Special appearance: Qui-Gon! Yay!

Me: Yay! ^^ You think that he'd be proud of Obikin right now?

Gia: Hopefully, with how much effort Elvis is building in...

Me: True XD


"Let me go!" Padme yelled as she struggled in the chains.

Kameon huffed at her cry and turned to his master, Count Dooku, who stepped forward with a number of battle droids at his sides.

"I don't think so, dear senator," Dooku wickedly grinned. "I will lead Skywalker here, and with me threatening him by attempting to kill you, I will finally be rid of the Jedi. The Separists will win, and the Republic will fall, just as my apprentice foretells me,"

'I barely told him anything, and he assumed everything!' Kameon wanted to knock the air out of his so-called master but chose against it. 'Why didn't I just kill him and take his job as Sidious's apprentice? It would have been easier...'

"The Jedi will never fall!" Padme shrieked. "And the Republic will stand with the Senate for many years!"

"Keep dreaming, lady," Kameon scoffed.

"Keep an eye on her, Kameon," Dooku commanded, turning away. "I will report the progress of the plan to my Master. Make sure she DOES NOT escape,"

"Yes, Master," Kameon grumbled, crossing his arms as he watched Dooku take his leave.

He then turned to mockingly grin at the senator, who glared up at him with a growl. He chortled in response.

"You look pathetic, you know,"

"You, Count Dooku and his Master will never win, and the Jedi and the Republic will defeat the Separists." she snarled.

"Whatever you say, senator," Kameon rolled his eyes before feeling the Force tug on him. He groaned. "Ugh, great, what now? Hey, clankers! Watch the prisoner! I need to check on something,"

"Roger-Roger," the battle droids immediately went to her side to ensure her security.

Kameon gave Padme one last glance before turning away to leave. He headed out of the bridge, through the hallway and into an underground bunker. He entered the bunker and sat down in a meditative pose, closing his eyes.

['Elvis...'] he spoke as he opened up their broken bond.

It had only been a few hours since he communicated with the other hybrid. He didn't want to do it again, but he could feel the younger boy coming. And he was coming fast.

['Goddamn it, Elvis, answer me!'] he wanted to scream so badly when the other didn't respond, but he knew that he might be heard by Dooku, so he had to hold himself steady and keep his temper down. 'Bullcrap that ass! He's going to ruin all of my plans, and now he's blocked me! Argh!'

He opened his eyes and stood up, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth with a growl. He grabbed a glass jar from the other side of the bunker and focused his rage at it, shattering it in an instant.

"Damn it!" He hissed as some of the glass shards flew towards him, cutting his left arm and armbands.

He grabbed the nearby bandages and wrapped them around the cuts. He took a deep breath and let out a shaky grunt before he shook his head. He grabbed his hood and pulled it down, his golden eyes glowing in fury as he stared into the mirror on the wall.

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