Night At The Apartment

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A/N Omg, this is getting excited! Especially since there's—

Gia: Don't spoil! Don't spoil!

Me: Aw...

Gia: They'll just have to READ to know!

Me: Okie, but they need a warning! XD

Gia: No.

Me: Aw...

Gia: Fine... ONE hint.

Me: Yay! *to the readers* I ship Anidala but I have to admit that it was because of their relationship that caused the Fall of the Republic.

Gia: You forgot the Jedi Council's stupid code about attachments.

Me: True, but even without the code, Anakin would still have the vision, and since the Jedi don't have anything to save Padme from death, Anakin would still have gone CRAZY trying to find a way to prevent her future.

Gia: ...true...

Me: Okay, now on with the show!


The night could've gone worse. A lot worse. Thankfully, it was almost over.

Elvis let out a sigh of relief, feeling the Force Signatures of all three of the Jedi following him as he made his way to his apartment. He could feel their relief (Anakin), suspicion (Mace) and curiosity (Obi-Wan) too, but he didn't bother to acknowledge it. He was just thankful that they made it out without the media spotting them

"How much further?" Anakin grumbled.

"Right here, Skywalker," Elvis chuckled, stopping in front of a door. "Home sweet home. Temporarily, of course,"

The door slid open, and they entered, with the hybrid (Elvis) shutting and locking the door behind them. He then led them to the living room, and Anakin collapsed onto the couch.

"Phew!" He releases a sigh of relief. "The worst is over!"

"Don't count your luck until the night's done, Anakin," Elvis warned him with a grin as he reached back to remove the hairpins. "We still need to discuss why I'm here. I MIGHT give some snippets of the future, so if there's something you want to tell Master Windu and Master Kenobi, you might as well say it now,"

"What is he talking about, Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked as he and Mace sat on the couch beside the Jedi Knight, who stiffened at the boy's words.

"N-Nothing!" Anakin defended. "I swear!"

"I doubt that," Mace glared over at the Jedi Knight.

"I think you need to listen to Master Windu for once in your life, Anakin," Elvis chuckled as he removed the final hair pins, allowing his long, overflowing purple-and-blue hair to fall from his head to his back and shoulders. "Not that I'm defending him since he really isn't my favorite Jedi Master, but if you don't admit anything now, you'll have to face the consequences later,"

"I..." Anakin bit his bottom lip and let a hiss escape his lips. "..."

"Fine, later then," Elvis sighed and removed his jacket, allowing the three Jedi to see his VERY slim, tan-striped peach arms. "But you'll regret it soon. I know you will,"

"Now that we have met and have escaped from trouble, do you mind telling us who you are?" Obi-Wan questioned, trying to ease information out of their 'ally'.

"Specter 10," Elvis huffed as he brushed his hair off his shoulders.

"He meant your REAL name," Anakin pointed out.

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