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When it was time we began to walk down to the bus stop.

"I thought you said I'd see daddy today? Is he still at grandpa's?" Cameron asked.

"Don't worry he's not at grandpa's. He's at work right now. But you'll see him when you get home." I assured.

We then got to the bus stop right on time for the bus to be up the street.

"Remember, stay away from Elizabeth. You don't need to be anywhere around people like that. And if she comes up and says something to you then what do you do?"

"I walk away and ignore her." He answered. He then got on the bus.

"Dylan came home and told me what that girl said to Cameron." Sarah said.

"Is he alright?" Helen asked.

"Yeah. But I think Jay took it a lot more hard though." I replied. "Mostly because Cameron really doesn't understand what racism is yet."

"Well it's awful that he has to experience it at a young age." Helen said.

We soon walked back. When I got back home I took a pregnancy test. Crossing my fingers. It felt like forever. But then the results came. One line. Negative. What? I decided to call Hanna.

"What's up?" She answered the phone.

"Can you please come over? I'm kinda freaking out right now." I insisted.

"Of course. I'll be right over." She responded.

A few minutes later she just walked into the house that she owns it. Like she always does. I was sitting on the couch looking down.

"What's wrong? Did Jay do something? I'll kill him." She threatened.

"No, he didn't do anything." I sighed. "It's just that... We started trying for another baby. I just took a test and it came out negative. Did we do something wrong?"

"Well you're with Jay. So I'm most definitely sure you're not doing it wrong." She answered. "But talk to Jay when he gets home. And if you guys think you should then go to the doctor in case something is wrong. I'll pick Cameron up at the bus stop then stay here with him until you guys get back. I'll just call Jake and tell him the situation."

"Thank you." I thanked. "But there are two women there named Sarah and Helen. If they ask where we are just say that we had to go to the doctors and that you're Cameron's aunt." She agreed.

A few hours later Hanna and I went in the kitchen.

"Would you like a glass of wine?" I asked.

"Yes please woman!" She answered eagerly.

I giggled and poured us both a glass. We agreed on only 1 glass each.

We were both facing the counter when all of a sudden Jay came up behind me and picked me up.he threw me over his shoulder.

"I need to talk to you." He said as he carried me to the living room. He put me down.

"I have legs you know." I sneered. But he just ignored me.

"I was thinking about it, and we don't have to move. We just clear out the room downstairs and Cameron can move down there and the baby can have Cameron's room." I looked down.

"There's no point of doing that at the moment." I said. He looked at me confused. I held both of his hands. "I took a test today and it came out negative. Hanna is gonna get Cameron off the bus and stay here until we get back from the doctor to see if there's something wrong."

"What? Let's just try again. Maybe it was just this one time."

"I don't want to try again in case something is wrong. It'll just get our hopes up even more."

"Fine. I'll go change then we'll go." He sighed.

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