Chapter 1

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"Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to Hayley's international traveling circus and to start our show is the amazing Flying Graysons!"

The lights all turned up, up, up into the highest points of the tent, illuminating six figures standing on a small platform. The first pair took off in an instant before the rest followed, flipping, spinning, and to the audience flying.

"All performed without a net!" The ringmaster kept saying, "The youngest being only seven years old!"

The family flew through the air grinning and laughing, that abruptly stopped the moment they heard a snap. Inaudible on the floor but the six people in the air heard it like a gunshot. The eldest grabbed the youngest, throwing him onto the platform only feet away before they started falling. Screams. Yelling. And almost unheard was the sickening crack and splat of flesh and bone hitting the ground. Silence came from the floor, the only noise being the screaming of that said, seven year old speaking rapidly in a foreign language.

Dick shot up panting, trying to get much needed air into his lungs. Fumbling with his covers he reached over turning on his side lamp. He hated the dark after a nightmare. He needed that little bit of light to tell him that even in darkness there is light. Taking in his room he locked eyes with the poster on the wall just over the desk. Today was the anniversary of that day all those years ago. Six years had passed. Six years of his life without his beloved parents, aunt, uncle, and cousin.

Hastily Dick stripped out of his pjs and into some work out clothes. Not wanting to see what time it was. His guardian said he would be back late tonight, telling him that he had an assignment. Hurrying down the hall and up the stairs to the wide open gym on the ground level. Dick started stretching before starting on the punching bag. He didn't notice how many times he switched between equipment but he didn't dare touch the trapeze hanging over his head. Not on the day his parents could never fly again.

"How long have you been up?" Called a voice from the doorway to the outside world.

Dick paused in his run looking to the closing door and the man just inside it. His mask was fully on, Orange and Black on each half of his face. Dick took the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow looking to the clock next to the stair. It told him it was 6 a.m. in the morning.

"Don't know." Dick admitted, "Had a bad dream. It's their anniversary today. I just couldn't go back to sleep."

The man grunted unclasping his helmet, to reveal white closely cut hair and an eye patch over his right eye, "Let's go get some coffee then and wait for Will to make us some breakfast."

Dick nodded stretching again as he followed his guardian down the stairs deeper into the haunt. They passed numerous rooms, some doors closed and others wide open. They had been at this haunt for the past eight months. The longest stay they had, had so far but no heroes were in Happy Harbor. Sure there was a Justice League base here but it was inactive. They had the Watchtower now, an actual satellite. It made Dick giddy with geek excitement and he started hacking it the moment it was completed.

The kitchen was the only thing that was completely personalized in the whole haunt other than the gym. Will had made the kitchen to this liking and told his guardian that if he didn't like it then when he started cooking he could make it his way. Will had won the argument, having a stove that looked like it was from the future, an industrial fridge, and a walk in freezer. Dick set himself to work getting two coffee mugs for himself and his guardian, as the man started the coffee.

"No other nightmare last night?" His guardian asked.

Dick shook his head setting the mugs down, "No, just the one. I haven't had that one in a while. Thought it went away."

"No nightmares leave Dick. We just become so used to them that they no longer hold power over us." The man saw the far way the boy looked at in his words, "Nightmares are just something no one can control but don't let them control yourself."

Dick nodded, "Hey, Slade, why are we still here? I don't mean to sound ungrateful but we normally have moved by now."

Slade nodded, "You don't sound ungrateful and we haven't moved because..." he trailed off, "You remember the promise I gave your parents when they passed?"

Dick nodded biting his lip.

"I promised that I would give you a good life and moving around so much doesn't do that." Slade conceded, "I was going to stay here and retire for a couple of years. Maybe do something else with my life for some time and have you go to school. A real school, not homeschooled like you've been for the past six years."

Dick blinked in shock, "Ok but my grades and knowledge would put me in high school."

"I know. I've been talking to the principal about that. He said that they have specialized courses for bright young teens." Dick opened his mouth to argue but Slade lifted his hand in silence, "You need socialization Dick, and not just with assassins, thieves, and mobsters. With kids your own age. Give it a try."

"Fine." Dick grumbled pouring a cup of freshly made coffee, "So when do I start?"

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