Chapter 32

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Joey tapped the headphones again and Dick startled from his dazed state. Joey pointed to his headphones and Dick got the point. With slow hands and a wince, Dick pulled the headphones down around his neck.


Joey smiled softly, "Your mask will have come off little brother."

Dick hesitated before nodding, "Can I go back to listening?"

"After I'm done with your face."

Joey grabbed the small peace that had been cut off and slowly peeled it from Dick's skin. It received half of the boy's bright blue eyes. Then Joey started to peel the rest off. Dick winced again.

"I hate this thing." Dick grumbled.

Joey smirked, "Then wear a helmet like Father and me."

"And have to lug that heavy thing around on my head? No thank you."

The mask finally peeled all the way off. Joey reached for the cloth again and stated cleaning. The blood came away easily and the cuts had started to clot.

"Alright." Joey sighed, "You have two options D. I can either unclot the cuts and stitch them up so it will have less of a scar, or I bandage it and leave it. It will have a larger scar. Your choice."

"Open it and stitch it." Dick grumbled.

Joey nodded and started rubbing the claw marks open again. Dick kicked once, hitting Joey in the thigh. Joey flicked his ear back. When the scrubbing was done and some blood started to dribble. Joey then started stitching up the scratches going from the top left of Dick's face all the way down to his right cheek bone on all five cuts.

Batman stood staring at the boy a bit slack jawed.

Dick smiled at the Bat before wincing, "What is it B? I know it's been six years but you don't have to look so stunned."

"You were declared dead five years ago." Batman stated.

Dick laughed softly, "I was resurrected by the law courts four years ago and adopted by Slade."

"Where were you for those two years?" Batman questioned, "You dispersed out of the detention facility one night and not seen for two years."

Dick grimace, "Another time maybe. The two years gave me a few problems to overcome in the past four years. This," He poked at the headphones, "being one of them."

Superman smiled, "Well, Dick, we haven't officially met. I'm Superman."

"Clark Kent." Dick stated, "You know it shows how observant and stupied people really are that they can't comprehend that Superman is interviewing them only with glasses on."

Superman shook his head, "I'm still surprised I can get away with it."

Joey pulled the last stitch through Dick cheek tugging a little as he tied it. Joey then started to whip off all the extra blood before grabbing the bandages.

"Superman, I'll need your help." Joey called.

Superman walked over ready for what Joey told him to do.

"Ok, D, put your hands on your head. Superman I want you to hold the pad here."

They both did as instructed and Joey started wrapping the wrap around Dick's torso. When that was done Joey rubbed on triple antibiotics over the stitches on Dick face. Over the time Dick's eyes go increasingly lower.

"All done." Joey told Dick with a smile, "Get some sleep."

Dick nodded, laying down and pulling the cover up but not until after he put his headphones back on. Joey sighed, tossing the rag on the table and leaning back. Batman laid his hand on the teen's shoulder handing him a bag. Joey saw that there were clothes in the bag along with soap.

"The showers are just over there." Batman pointed to a door left ajar at the far end of the room.

Joey looked down at himself and cringed. He was covered in blood and his poor pj pants were no longer usable. They were his favorite too. Joey reluctantly drugged his way to the shower because he knew that when he was out Batman would be on him in a heartbeat.

~ ~ ~

The team was sitting in a conference room. A huge conference room with a U like table. Each one of them was sitting next to their mentors. When everyone was sitting they started.

"Alright." Superman began, "From what we have gathered and the information the team has gathered we can account for everyone's time, except sixteen hours of six certain Leaguers." He brought up their faces on the screen.

Aqualad raised his hand, "My I speak?"

"Go ahead Aqualad."

"We would not have any of this information if not for Renegade and his fast thinking."

Artemis barked in, "We also want to know why he really is with us."

Superman shared a glance with Batman.

"It's not our place." Batman responded.

Artemis stood from her seat, "So in other words you don't know either!"

"First of all Arty," Called a voice, "It really isn't their place to say anything." Renegade walked out of the shadows, his sunglasses loosely in place and stitches that looked ragged but straight, "The second reason is, they can't tell because they don't know."

The League all looked to Batman. Batman sighed, "Renegade is here as a deal with Deathstroke. Deathstroke will not kill again if we keep Renegade safe from the Light."

"That's what Dad said?" Renegade asked laughing, "Well I guess their part of the Light. Mostly I'm here because for two years of my life I was the property of an organization. I got out or as they say, ran away. They've been looking for me. They know I'm adopted but not by Deathstroke. I work for the Light. I'm not going to deny that but so do these guys. They were getting too nosey so... On the other hand I do not know why Batman gave me to the Sidekick squad for care."

Captain Marvel raised his hand, "Am I the only one who didn't know or...?"

"Don't feel bad," Canary soothed, "The only ones who knew were mentors and the first seven."

"That makes us feel tons better." Green Arrow grumbled, "And why didn't I know?"

Renegade grinned, "Because Artemis already knows me and Roy was older then eighteen. So in short, you're outdated."

Green Arrow scowled, "And now I know why Batman called you feral."

"You haven't seen feral." Renegade grinned a wicked little smile, sitting down next to Batman, "Either way I'm not going to answer any personal questions yet."

Kid Flash perked up, "Meaning you will?"

"Yes, I just want to talk with someone else first." Renegade drummed her fingers on the table, "And no it's not Slade. He already said he didn't care what I shared but I do have a bit of self preservation."

"Can you tell us about the Light then?" Superman aked.

"The Light is a joke." Renegade laughed, "Sure it started out what every sane villain wanted. To get rid of the League."

"Wow dude, way to feel the love," Kid Flash mocked.

Renegade shrugged, "Hey Villain, remember? Anyway. Now the Light is mostly getting manipulated by Vandal Savage. He has this plan but there's something behind it. He doesn't want the League gone or destroyed but he wants control over it. He needs the League for something."

"Who all is in the Light?" Artemis asked.

Renegade shrugged, "I know that Deathstroke, Sportsmaster, and Cheshire are the main," he paused looking for the right word, "hunters. The main seven heads are Lex, Queen Bee, The Brain, Klarean, Black Manta, and Ra' Al' Ghul. They are the main heads. They also work with the Shadows, me, the Injustice League, and..." Renegade glanced at Batman, "The Court of Owls."

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