(8K) Bonus

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Kind of out on dating Ideas. Never been on a date. Or had a relationship... I need a life. So here's something completely different. Give some suggestions on date ideas and I'll write some!


"You want me to what?"

Batman sighed, "We need some one to go undercover to this event. You, knowing the Wayne's, can pose as the eldest's best friend he had invited."

Dick looked at Batman in disbelief, "Why not Artemis? She goes to school with the Wayne's."

"Because we don't won't Artemis to be reviled as a hero." Batman's code for he didn't want his sons to slip up on Batman being, in fact, Bruce Wayne, "You are not a hero. You know the boys. Thanks to Slade keeping your identity under raps, villains don't know who you are."

Dick looked at the Bat, slack jawed and unimpressed. He was to babysit the Batman's kids at a gala. It wasn't just that, but he wanted the rest of the team to take the perimeter, and keep out of sight. Meaning, they got an easy job.

"I'm not a hero." Dick stated as a last ditched attempt at getting out of this.

"I'm not asking for you to be a hero." Batman said smoothly, "I'm asking you to make sure if anyone were to get in, you would inform the team and get the children out."

"That last part seems like a hero thing to me. Why couldn't I just stay in the shadows and inform the team if someone comes bragging in? No, monkey suit or pointy shoes or rich snobs."

"Is this what the argument is really about?" Batman growled.

Dick quirked a brow, "You thought it was something different? We're arguing about me taking this mission and your orders. I say no and presented my reasons. Your turn."

Batman fought the urge to slap a hand over his face and sigh. This damn kid was getting on his last nerve. He was so, god damned, like his father that Batman was surprised they weren't genetically related. 'They had to have some sort ancestry connection. Even if it is twenty generations or so back.'

Batman looked down at the boy. Crystal like blue eyes, tussled black hair, arms crossed with a definite face on. Behind all of that, Bruce could see the true boy beneath it all. How the black hair fell into his eyes when he wished to hide. The way his body moved away from anyone bigger then him. The saddens, pain, and longing behind every laugh he made. Every smile he gave. None of it ever reached those eyes.

"You'll be doing what I said is your assignment, without further argument." Batman growled out finally.

Dick's glare intensified, "Fine." He snarled turning on his heel and marching out of the cave room, brushing past everyone but Wally. He gave Wally a quick peck on the cheek before continuing to exit the cave. Probably going to get ready. Maybe. Hopefully. God, Bruce hoped the boy was getting ready. He did not want another argument. Damian and Jason was easier to deal with then Dick at times.

Dick on the other hand made his way to his bike. If he was going on this little mission, he needed to get home and change before making his way to Wayne Manor. It also meant he had to find a monkey suit. He hated monkey suits. When he made it back home Slade was giving him a small smirk.

"You were eavesdropping." Dick grumbled.

"Yup." That damn smirk turned to a grin, "It'll be good training for you. Joey has an old suit in the back of your closet that should fit."

"Is this pay back for not giving you fair warning on what Joey and Grant had planned?"

Slade only raised an eyebrow, "You knew about that?"

"What? Of course I did. I'm not oblivious. They'd been sneaking around for months. You didn't notice? Wow, dad. You're losing your touch. Maybe age is catching up to you."

Slade pointed a finger at him, "Don't push it."

"But I like pushing buttons. They all eventually do something."

Slade gave him a look, "Go get dressed."

"I am dressed."

"Then go get something nice on."

"I'm always looking nice."

Slade hit the back of he head on the cabinit with a groan, "Just go get this mission done and I'll consider getting you a bike for your birthday."

"Make it for my graduation gift and I'll go without a fuss."


Dick grinned skipping down the hall, "Thanks dad." He called back.

"I'm getting too old for this."

To be Continued... in bonus 10K


I know, kind of short. Sorry. I'll make the second part longer.

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~Jewels F. Wolf

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