Chapter 8

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Jenna's P.O.V.

I put on my pajama shorts and tank top on. I pull my hair up in a pony tail. You know just incase I do get 'shit faced', like Harry said.

"Alright Harry, are you ready?" I have that adrenaline rush flowing through my body. My first beer, my parents would kill me. "Your parents aren't here though" My conscience reminds me.

"Of course I'm ready, I'm not new at this Jenna. The question is are you ready?" He says as I walk into my kitchen.

"Okay, Mr. Expert." I can barely finish the words, stopping right in my tracks. I am now giving him a funny smirk. "Well, look at you. You actually did something." I sarcastically play with him. On my dining table layed out, two glasses of red wine, four beers, and eight water bottles.

"Are you surprised because you've never actually done anything?" He smirks back

"Yeah, except beat you at bowling." I raise my eyebrow at him

"Bowling is for little girls anyways. Let's drink, yeah?" He laughs "What do you want to drink first?"

I point to the wine, I've always wanted wine.

We both pick up the glasses and toast to my first glass of wine.

Hary laughs at the face I make.

"What do you think?" Harry asks

"Its bitter, bitter sweet. I don't really like the taste" I take another sip anyway.

"Alright you drunk, stop it with the wine, do you, want some beer?" He laughs

I nod my head.

He opens the beers and I take one.

I drink some and spit it out immediately.

"Oh my goodness, Harry! This tastes awful!" I am in complete disgust, Harry is laughing his butt off at my beer tasting reaction.

I put it down and grab my glass of wine. I chug the little thats left. I want more wine, but I also want Harry. Wait what?

I see Harry looking at me. I feel so relaxed.

I smile at him and nearly trip walking over to him. Man, this stuff really get's you drunk, fast.

"Harry, I want more wine." I laugh in his face, I fall into his arms. He luckily catches me. We both laugh

"Jenna you're crazy! I think that one glass was enough."

"No, no, Harry. I need more!" I laugh, I can't stop laughing.

"Okay. Fine, just one more! We still have to go to work tomorrow, Jenna!" He pours a little more into the glass

I drink a sip. "You know what? I hate Niall. He just left me, like a piece of poo. I thought I looked hot today, and he just left me. You know what else Harry? I like you. Yeah, I like you. You're so hot." I laugh

Harry looks at me with confused expression, "Jenna, that's enough for you. You need to go to bed, that wine sure is doing something to your system." He laughs

"No, no. I want to keep drinking." I feel so much better with the wine, I feel very light-headed but I push it away.

He notices my that I'm light headed and hands me an open water bottle. I chug it down half way, it did help, not a lot though.

Harry grabs a beer and pours a bit more wine in my glass.

"Harry, tell me about Aubrey, is she even pretty?" I'm not thinking as I speak, I'm already drunk with just one glass.

"She is very pretty." He answers, sitting down on the couch

Harry's P.O.V.

"Is she prettier than me?" she asks wobbling over to me

"I don't think any girl could beat you." I say

She gasps, "Harry, I don't know what to say."

"Just don't say anything." I take her glass and set it down, she thinks I'm going to kiss her. I don't, I would never take advantage while shes in an intoxicated state. "You need to sleep." I pick her up by her waist and take her to her bedroom as she kicks me in my stomach to put her down. I put her down lightly on her bed.

She lays down and closes her eyes anyway. Once I see shes already asleep, I pull her covers onto her body.

"goodnight Jenna." I kiss her forehead, turn off the light and exit her room.

I see a light blinking on the kitchen table. Jenna's phone.

Without thinking I rush over to it and open it. Niall fucking Horan.

"This shit head, again." I grumble in annoyance.

The message says "Jenna I can't wait to see this Wednesday, I promise I won't let you down."

Fucking shit. This fucking Wednesday. He won't let her down. He probably fucking will, just like he did tonight. I close the phone and leave it on the table. As I shut her apartment door, something catches my eye, my apartment door is open.

Jenna's P.O.V.

I don't remember when or how I fell asleep or how I got to my bed. I quickly panik as because I don't know what time it is. I check the window, its still dark out.
I rush out of my bed, but when I do I feel the big headache come down on me. I drank too much with Harry last night. Harry.

"Did he leave?" I ask myself. I don't even remember what happened except taking a few sips from my first glass.

My focus is taken off of Harry when I see my phone in the kitchen table. The time reads, '4:37am'. I sigh in relief that i still have time to sleep and set my alarm for '7:30am'

I bring my phone back to my room and plug it up to charge it. I quickly fall back asleep, not remembering Harry.

My biggest mistake.

Okay guys, I know I haven't post in a LONG time, but I'm back and sooo yeah... I hope you're liking it and will try to post again tonight... Love you!

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