Chapter 3- The Queen's Loyal Guard

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(Picture above- Sir Arian)

Once we all calmed down we decided we would hide in the attic because we didn't have many options. We brought food, water, and weapons with us just in case we needed to defend ourselves. We planned to take shifts through the night so that we could get some sleep in case we needed the energy to escape tomorrow morning. It was about 4 am during my shift and I heard some commotion outside. It sounded like desperate knocking and screaming. I quickly jumped up and without waking the others, headed out of the attic and to the front door.

Two people were knocking aggressively and crying for help and I cautiously stepped closer to the door. The closer I got, I realized it was my parents. I ripped the door open and squeezed them.

"I thought you guys were dead", I said as I cried with relief.

I stepped back to let them in and shut the door, but as soon as I reached for the doorknob, shots were fired. I let out a scream and turned to see both my parents, bloodied and unconscious on the floor in front of me. I slammed the door shut and ran up to the attic where Eden and Doaklan had just woken up due to the gunshots. They looked at me, terrified.

"My parents were just shot, we have to go now! No time to explain."

All of a sudden my fight or flight kicked in and I knew we had to get out of there, no matter how much it hurt to leave my parents. There was a window in my attic and one by one we climbed out. We grabbed on to the window sill and dropped down.

It wasn't too far of a fall, so we got up and started running towards the forest by my house. We could see the Queen's guards chasing after us. They were shooting but we were too far for them to get accurate hits on us. We ran for about less than a half-mile and entered the forest. We just kept running and running until I felt like my legs were going to fall off.

"Guys I.. I need a.. a break for a second", Eden said as she gasped for air.

The sun was beginning to rise and it shined on her freckles through the trees. She was sweating and completely drained.

"Eden, we really have to go now bef-", I was interrupted by the sound of rustles in the trees. I caught a glimpse of men and women in full suits of high-tech armor running at us at full speed with guns in hand.

Without hesitation, we started running again through the trees and bushes. I was literally running for my life and all I wanted was to make sure we all were okay.

All of a sudden I didn't see Eden out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see her face down in the dirt screaming for help, my help. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't move, all I could do was just watch her struggle. I tried telling her to get up but it was too late. The guards were coming closer and I just watched in complete fear, a fear I have never felt before, as she was mercilessly dragged away. I felt Doaklan grab me and bring me back to my senses.

We ran until we saw the opening of the forest, without looking back. We knew we couldn't save her without jeopardizing our own lives. Tears were flowing down our faces but we knew we didn't have time to cry, we were in a life or death situation right now.

We exited the forest and ran through the park, leaping over wooden picnic tables and streams. It felt as if we were running forever until Doaklan suddenly stopped and winced in pain. He had been shot in the calf and blood was spewing everywhere. I hurried over to him and checked behind us only to see about 10 guards closing in around us. I felt trapped and all I could do was stay by Doaklan and accept what was coming.

They picked me up and pulled me off of Doaklan, while another guard restrained him.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME! YOU FUCKING PSYCHOPATHS, LET US-", before I could even get the sentence out, one of the male guards slapped me across the face. I just stared at him in disbelief.

"That shut you up didn't it?", he remarked.

My face stung and was hot, but I was so angry that I kicked him right in the balls. I studied how his strong appearance faded into that of a child. He doubled over in pain and I had a rush of adrenaline. He grabbed me by the throat and squeezed as hard as he could. I began to kick and fight with everything I had.

"Let go of her! Please don't kill her!", Doaklan pleaded.

He held on for a while and then finally let go. I viciously gasped for air, and he gave me a look that felt like he stared deep into my soul.

"So if both of you want to fight back and play games, go ahead. But I won't hesitate to strangle the living daylights out of you. You will obey me and refer to me as Sir Arian, for I'm the Queen's most loyal guard," he said arrogantly.

I looked at Doaklan and he looked back at me helplessly. I analyzed Sir Arian's strong masculine jawline and muscular physique, and all I could think about was ripping his jaw out of this skull. But we were stuck and couldn't fight back, and still dealing with the guilt of losing Eden.

The guards took us to where another group of guards was waiting with a huge red truck to transport people. I assumed there were many groups of guards rounding up people like sheep and bringing them here to be taken away. They loaded us into the truck and we were driven to the nearest boat port, which was actually pretty far. They explained how from there we would be shipped off to Canada and receive our chips. I looked over at Doaklan and could tell that his anxiety was through the roof. His hands and legs were trembling and all I wanted to do was give him a hug. I wanted to open my mouth so bad and curse every single one of them out, but I knew if I did it would be bad for both of us.

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