Chapter Thirteen - At Dawn Look To The East

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Adriel shoved Gimli ahead of her as they ran into the keep. Her boots squeaked against the floor as she skidded to a stop and spun around to face the doors, Adriel panted as she backed away, staring up at the huge wooden doors. Her chest heaved as she struggled to catch her breath. She flicked her wrist sending a splatter of blood to the stone floor, slightly cleaning her blade of the dark sticky blood that coated it.

"Find things to barricade the door with!" Adriel ordered loudly as she slid Haldir's sword back into her belt and pointed towards timber that lined the walls. A small group of nearby soldiers quickly moved to pick up some stray pieces of wood that littered the sides of the room.

"Close the door! We're the last ones!" Aragorn yelled as he ran through the doors beside Legolas. Adriel made her way over to the Prince who was gripping his arm tightly, his eyes met her own as she approached him.

"Move your hand," Adriel whispered as she gently tugged at his bloody fingers. He dropped his hand, she looked over the deep gash. It bled quite a bit but did not seem life threatening. Adriel dropped her hand from his arm and reached under her tunic and grabbed a fistful of her once white undershirt. The fabric ripped easily as she gave it a harsh tug. Nimbly Adriel binded the cut, Legolas winced as she pulled the makeshift bandage tight. "I'm sorry," Adriel mumbled as she focused on tying the cloth. Adriel felt him softly touch her cheek, she looked up to the Elf with wide golden eyes.

"You are alive," he murmured as he pushed a bloody strand of hair from Adriel's face. The Witch flinched slightly as his fingers brushed over a small cut on her forehead. She felt tears spring into her eyes as she looked over his face. His usually clear porcelain skin was splattered with blood and mud, a small cut along his cheekbone bled slightly. Regardless of the filth that covered him and the lingering fear that hung in the air he smiled.

"It's hard to get rid of me," Adriel choked out as she stared into his blazing azure eyes. Legolas chuckled softly as he pressed a firm kiss to her lips, his free hand caressing her jaw.

"It has been a long while since I have seen you use your gifts like that," Legolas whispered as their lips parted, looking down at Adriel who shrugged.

"I didn't have much of a choice," she sighed. Her body shook from the exertion of battle, exhaustion flooding her limbs. Adriel jumped away from Legolas as something banged loudly against the doors. The Prince swiftly turned away from his beloved and ran to help block the door. Adriel's heart hammered in her chest, she nervously played with the golden ring on her index finger.

"The fortress is taken. It is over," Theoden spat as he looked at the men holding the door closed.

"You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it!" Adriel yelled angrily at the king as she stalked towards him, motioning to his soldiers barricading the door alongside Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn, "they still defend it! They have died defending it!" Her voice broke as she grew even more emotional than she already was. Theoden gazed down at Adriel with a saddened expression.

"Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?" Aragorn asked as he ran to where Adriel stood in front of Theoden, the Witch's body seemed to shake as she fought the urge to pummel the King of Rohan. The Ranger grabbed Adriel's upper arm and pulled her into his side, keeping her from attacking the king. A blind rage flooded her face as she stared at the man, pathetic as he whimpered to himself. Theoden's face was defeated as he stared at the wall blankly, silently.

"Is there no other way?" Adriel pushed in an urgent tone. Another loud bang echoed across the room. She growled in frustration before turning back, helping some men push a large table towards the entrance. Adriel's body ached with every movement she made, the fresh cut on her thigh stinging with every movement. "Stop," Adriel said in a calm tone. The men quickly backed away from the table, the Witch raised her hands. A dull golden glow emitted from her palms as she pushed the heavy piece of furniture against the door. Another loud bang echoed across the room, Adriel raised her hands higher and pushed against the Uruk soldiers on the other side of the heavy wooden door. Her head spun as she focused on keeping the door closed, the light that surrounded her palms flickered weakly as she struggled to hold the Uruk-Hai back as they slammed against the doors. Legolas turned to look at Adriel, his eyes grew wide. The Elven Prince quickly abandoned the door and rushed to her side, she shook as she held both hands towards the door.

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