Chapter 9

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The next morning I woke up and got ready for work I checked my phone and nothing from Adrian. I sigh and head to work I walked in the hospital and he was standing there with coffee in his hand he handed me one and smiled. " can we talked in my office" he said I nod and follow him into his office. He closed the door and motion for me to sit down I sat down and he sat on the desk next to me. " I am sorry I didn't call I wanted to see you face to face the police are looking for Simon so your safe I want you at the family vacation pack your thinks we leave tomorrow morning" he said I smile and grab his hands" are you ok" I said he nodded" yes I am fine thank you" he said I smiled and walked out of his office Adrian is my everything I want him to be happy I had classes instead of rounds so I went I have four mouths til my states test and I must pass I work work for this after classes I went home to start packing for my trip to California with Adrian and his family they are the nicest people ever. I pack everything I will be needing for the week Adrian said he got a surprise for me doing the trip so I can't wait to see what he got to show me. He came to my apartment later that day we had dinner and we Netflix and chill. I was so happy that Adrian was happy. The next morning I work up and went for a run and went to my favorite cafe I got some bake good and coffee I came back to my apartment took a shower and grab my bags and waited for Adrian a few moments later he came and we head to the airport we got our bags checked and were on our way to boarding when I heard someone yelled " Adrian" we turned around to see the woman that I saw with him at the bar the last time she came and give him a hug. " it's so nice to see you Adrian your handsome as always" she said while giggling Adrian smiled " thank you Sasha" he said " so Adrian where are you going I though your not really the travel type" she said while hitting his chest " I am not but it's family vacation so why not" he said " wow that's really nice she turned to me and this must be your sister" she said. Sister, I smiled " no I am not his sister honey I am his girlfriend," I said while smiling her eyes widen she looks at me up and down and plaster a fake smile on her face. She looked back at him " wow Adrian you ended it with me for a child I thought you were better than that" she whispered " I can hear you and I am not a child it's good to see you Sasha but me and my boyfriend have a flight to catch see you around" I smiled and grab Adrian's hands I pulled him to me and whispered " you are going to regret what just happened when we get to that beach house" I said the flight to California was pretty short we got off the plane and I saw Lauren standing by the baggage center with a man look for her suitcase we walked up to her she turned around and squeaked " omg Lisa it's so nice to see you again I see my brother learned he brought a girl the family loved" she giggled " hey bae I got the bags" the man standing next to Mia said " crazy me Lisa this is the love of life Kevin Garnett Kevin this is Lisa my brother girlfriend and love of his life" she laughs Kevin reached out and shake my hands before he could grab it Adrian grabs it. " what the hell Adrian" I yelled " don't touch other guys" he said while grabbing my suitcase I rolled my eyes and grab my suitcase from his hands. Kevin and Lauren  looked at each other " are you guys ok" Lauren said " yea it's fine I mean it's ok for him to flirt with Sasha in front of me but not ok for me to shake Kevins hands" Lauren looked at Adrian who was shaking his head. " bae come down Sasha was not flirting with me" I look at Adrian and act like Sasha was acting " omg Adrian is that you. you look handsome as always" I hit his chest and pulled my hair behind my ear. Everyone started laughing Adrian rap his hands around my waist " I love when you are jealous, it's sexy" Adrian whispered while he kissed me on my lips we started kissing when Lauren  cleared her throat. " ok love birds we got to go, mom and dad, is waiting for us" we grab our suitcase and head out the airport into the cars that was waiting for use we got in and head to the beach house. The ride there was short and sweet me and Adrian was making out in the back seat I was starting to get hot and really needed Adrian to take me in the backseat of this car. When the car came to a stop we were still making out. His sister and her boyfriend went into the beach house. " we can't do it in the car but after dinner, I want you" he whispered I stop kissing him and open the car door we got out and head to the beach house when we walked everyone was watching use " what took so long are you guys ok" his mom asks" we are fine mom me and Lisa was just talking about something" he laughs" yea about who's eating who's face" David yelled I blushed a woman who was hugging David laugh and came towards me " hi I am Susan you must be Lisa the whole family was looking forward to seeing you I like you Lisa" " thank you, Susan, I like you too" Adrian grab my hands and pull me toward the stairs. " Adrian where are y'all going" his mom yelled from downstairs. " we are going to get ready for dinner mom" Adrian yelled back. " or fuck" I whispered. "

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