Chapter 22

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Adrian have been avoiding me all week everytime I see him at the hospital he won't even make eye contact with me. Later in my day at work, I decided to go to his office and ask him why he is avoiding me I knock no answer I did it again and finally an answer "come in" he said I open the door and he didn't even bother to look up at me. " Adrian" I called him he didn't even  look up at me. " Adrian what did I do I tried calling you" I said my tears started forming I walked towards him but he stood up and walked toward the door the tears started rolling down my face " Adrain talk to me please don't do this to me" he stop and turned around " we will talk later I got a meeting meet me at the bakery after work." he walked out the door I stood in his office crying. The whole day at work my head was spinning what happen to Adrian? Why did he ghost me? Did I do something wrong? After work I head to the cafe Adrian told me too I walked threw the door and he was looking at his phone I smiled and sat down his head lift up and he looked at me. " Adrian please tell me what is wrong you have been avoiding me and won't talk to me at all what's wrong?" I said he sigh and looked at me. " I am sorry Lisa but we can't see each other anymore," he said my heart sink and my face frown. " what, why," I said " let's break up," he said," I don't want to break up I thought we were happy you told me you love me." I yelled he giggled coldly " I never loved you I never will love you it's not your choice its mines I don't want to see you anymore I want to break up" my tears started balling up " you don't mean that right you love me you said it you felt it I know you do please we can talk about it whatever it is you can't break my heart like that" I cry he looked at me and shake his head I tried to grab his hands but he pulled it back. " what did I do you can't just do this to me what happen to you want to marry me what happened to you want kids with me what happen to whatever happen you will be there for me why are you doing this why are you breaking my heart" I said while crying he looked at me and sigh " I am sorry Lisa but I am bored I don't want you anymore your boring you was just a quick fuck I got what I wanted now I don't want you" he said coldly I could feel my heart shattering into many pieces " how could you say that I was just a quick fuck I was right about you. You will never treat people right your an asshole and I don't want to see you ever again" I stood up and was about to walk out the door when I turn around " and oh Adrian I pull the necklace of my neck and threw it at him " give it to a bitch who deserves your love and won't make you bored like I did" I said and walk out. My vision was so blurry as I cry I couldn't see were I was going I got in my car and drove to my apartment. I sat in my car and cry for hours until I got my phone out and block Adrian's number I called Liya and told her about Adrian she hung up and came running at my apartment 3 minutes later she gave me a hug. " fuck that asshole you don't need him" Liya said while sitting me down she grabs some wine and glasses we sat there and got drunk she fell asleep and I got up and head to the bathroom I lock the door and balled my eyes out I had so many unanswered questions about what happened. Why would he just end it with me? I thought we were happy. Why would he say those things to me? I sat there crying I wipe my face and went to my room I saw everything he left at my apartment I got a box and put them in it I send his sister a quick text telling her to meet me. She agreed. I cry for the rest of the night. The next morning I meet his sister at the cafe she was pregnant and she looked beautiful I sat the box down and sat in front of her. " what are those" she asked " I only asked you to meet because I want you to give Adrian shit back to him" I said she sigh and grab the box she sat it next to her. " look I know you know he broke up with me and you probably know the reason but won't tell me because you are his sister but think about me to I am hurting too." I said she grabs my hands and give it a light squeeze and smile. " look its not my place to tell you the reason he broke up with you I don't know what he told you it must be cruel because he haven't called me after yesterday I want you to be happy I like you more than any girl my Brother ever been in any relationship with your different from those girls and he was happy" she said she stood up and grab the box here she give me a envelope and left the cafe. I looked at it and it was a letter from Adrian I open it and read it. " dear, Lisa I am sorry how I ended things but don't come looking for me or anything you were great I loved you and always will but I am not good enough for you please accept that and move on with your life. Love, Adrian I rip the letter in half and walked out of the cafe.

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