Chapter 24

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(5 years later)
I was in the kitchen making breakfast when my sister came running downstairs " where are they" I yelled at her "they are coming" I turned around to plate euphoria and conner breakfast I heard footsteps and my beautiful children came walking downstairs every time I see conner he makes me cry he looks just like Adrian. " mommy euphoria pulled my hair" conner said while hugging my foot I turned and pulled him up in my arms and into a seat. " euphoria what did I tell you about touching your brother" I said while handing her a cup of orange juice. " he touched my pencils" she said while poking at her eggs. I kissed her on the cheek while I grab my purse and my coat. " I can't drop y'all off today so auntie Mia will, be good to your brother and Conner stop touching your sister stuff," I said while walking out the door. I had to run into work today early because I had a patient  who was flying from Italy God I hate Italy she should be here in 4 hours I might not have time to pick my kids up so I might text Mia to. I finally got to work and Dr. Holiday stopped me. " Dr. Roman," he said I turned around and smiled " yes Dr. Holiday" i said "do you know your patient that is coming in today" Dr Holiday asked. should I she's coming in for an emergency surgery should I know her. " umm no Dr. Holiday" I said while looking at my charts " ok good to see you Dr. Roman looking pretty as always" he said while walking away. I grab my charts and walked to the cafeteria for some coffee I got in line to pay and I saw the muffin that Adrian likes so much I smiled and walked back to my office. Paper work after paper work my student assistant came running in. " I am sorry Dr. Roman but the patient from Italy is here she's bleeding heavy and she's getting prepped for surgery," she said I got up from my desk and took off my heels and clothes to wear my scrubs. " don't just stand there Ms. Grettara help me" she ran and grab my coat and put it on me. I put my surgery shoes on and grab a scrunchie to put my hair up my assistant grab the chart and we ran out of my office. while she was talking I was putting my hair up. We got to the room and the patient was on the table and prep all I had to do is the surgery she was 9 months pregnant and had a lot of bleeding the family didn't say much besides they were coming to New York for a family vacation when she started hurting and bleeding we finally find the source of the bleeding and stopped it. We got her baby out and it was cute and healthy I stitched her up and took her to her room to recovered. I was walking back to my office to get to my kid's school and pick them up. " I am sorry Dr. Roman," my assistant said I turned around " what is it," I said she sighs " you have to go to the family and tell them that the patient is fine" that's her job I can't do that. " why can't you do that it's your job I have to go pick up my kids," I said while looking at the clock. " the chief needs to see me right away," she said while handing me the patient chart I didn't look at I sigh. " fine send josh a quick text telling him to pick them up and bring them to my office," I said while walking away. I got to the waiting room and stood in front of the door I took a deep breath and push the door open I walked in the waiting room and looked around than there he was the man that broke my heart 5 years ago and left me with two kids to raise we made eye contact and his face fell my heart broke all over again but I had to do this I had to talk to his family. I looked down at the chart and gasp Lauren Stalin it was Lauren I just did surgery on. I took a deep breath and walked toward them his mom turned around and saw me with wide eyes. I smiled at her " I am Dr. Roman I did your daughter surgery it was a success and she's fine you can go see her the baby is fine and healthy too" I said while smiling I could feel him looking at me but I couldn't look at him his smell brought back so many memories. His mom wanted to hug me but I step back and smiled " thank you Lisa" she said " it's really nice to see you again after all these years I smiled " thank you Lisa" Adrian said I looked at him and he smiled at me I felt the tears coming down but I quickly wipe it away he saw me because he tried hugging me but I step away. " I am sorry Lisa," he said " not now Adrian not ever please," I said " mommy" I heard from behind me I turned around to see Conner running toward me. I turned around and he ran into me. " God Conner what happened to your shirt," I said while looking at Josh who was talking on the phone Euphoria came next to me and frown. " euphoria what did I tell you about spilling stuff on your brother shirt," I said " he started it," she said while hugging my legs. " mommy he looks like the guy in the picture on in your draw that makes you cry," euphoria said I turned around to see her pointing at Adrian who was looking at me with a confused worry and questionable look on his face. I sigh and turned back to euphoria who was looking at Adrian " you have my brother stupid face" euphoria said to Adrian " what did I tell you about calling your brother stupid" I put Conner down who looked up at me " mommy I want a spider man cake for my birthday tomorrow" Conner said while looking at me " yeah honey whatever you need for your birthday go to Josh I will be right there I said while kissing them on the cheek when they walked out of the waiting room I turned to Adrian and his family his mom was crying while his dad hugs her. I cleared my throat " your daughter can go home in a week" I said while turning around to walk away. " Lisa," his mom said I turned around " how old are they," she said I knew she was talking about my kids " five," I said while staring at Adrian who was looking at me guiltily. " can we meet them," she said " I don't know I didn't tell them," I said she grab my hands " please," she said I sigh " fine tomorrow is there sixth birthday party y'all can come to my house and meet them there" I said while handing her a card with my address she smiled and thanked me.  I turned around and walked away

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